SEC会長のゲイリー・ゲンスラー: 暗号を禁止する計画はありません, それは議会次第です

SECのゲイリー・ゲンスラー委員長は、SECには中国のように仮想通貨を禁止する計画はないと述べた. 同氏は、そのような決定を下すのは議会次第であると述べた. 最近, 米連邦準備理事会(FRB)のジェローム・パウエル議長も同様に述べた。…

ケビン・オレアリー: 「私の暗号通貨の露出は初めて金よりも大きい」

シャーク タンクのスター、ケビン O’リアリー, しかしミスター. 素晴らしい, has revealed that he has more crypto exposure than gold for the first time. He hopes to increase his crypto allocation to 7% in the next few months, 強調する: “私はしない’t see a

ソラナベースのDEXソルデックスAI, CEOのジョンロバートソンが影響を説明

One of the backbones of crypto market in todays world are decentralized exchanges that took the world by the storm in recent years. And as the crypto exchange market is moving and developing rapidly, it is absolutely no surprise that the

調査ショー 64% ブリトン人は暗号通貨は「安全な投資ではないと信じています,’回答者はイーサリアムは麻薬だと考えています, カルダノはチーズです

While theres a lot of hype surrounding digital currencies like bitcoin, a great number of people are still confused by the crypto economy and the myriad crypto assets that exist. One study shows that some people think Ethereum is a drug,…

暗号ブームのスカイブリッジキャピタルのスカラムチ: 「機関はありません」

Anthony Scaramucci, CEO of Skybridge Capital, a multi-asset class investment firm, says he thinks the institutional investment boom in cryptocurrencies has been greatly exaggerated. In an interview given to Bloomberg last week, Scaramucci stated that most institutions are still not interested

ロンドンの大学生がナイフポイントで強盗 8 ビットコインで93,000ドルの凶悪犯

Recently a student from the University of Kent in London was robbed at knifepoint for his bitcoin. After eight thugs stormed his dorm room and demanded that he reveal his crypto credentials and passwords, the student was forced to leave the

AMCシアターズはドージコインの受け入れを模索しています: DOGEの投票結果に魅了されたCEO

AMC Theatres chain is exploring how to accept dogecoin alongside four other cryptocurrencies. AMCs CEO conducted a poll on Twitter and was overwhelmed by the results and enthusiasm of the dogecoin community. “これ’s clear that you think AMC should accept dogecoin….


ビットコインドットコム, in line with its vision to supporteconomic freedom,’ is refocusing its efforts on non-custodial, また ‘self hosted,’ crypto products, including exchange. したがって, the Wallet, which is fully non-custodial and provides users with direct access to public blockchains like

ロシアの裁判所は逮捕状を確認します 3 Finikoの創設者

Tatarstans highest court has rejected appeals against arrest warrants issued for three co-founders of the notorious Finiko crypto pyramid. The top representatives of the Ponzi scheme, accused of large-scale fraud in Russia, are still hiding abroad, media reports reveal. Three

ヴィタリック・ブテリン 100 の最も影響力のある人々 2021

Vitalik Buterin, a co-founder of Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap, has made Time magazines list of the 100 most influential people of 2021. The programmer was listed as an innovator, and Time valued his ability to empower other creators