月末までに期待されるビットコインETFの承認, 著名なヘッジファンドはBTCの背後にもっと重みを置きます

The price of bitcoin soared past the $55K handle on Wednesday for the first time in four months giving proponents hope the crypto bull run has been re-ignited. Speculators are predicting a bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) will be approved soon and

暗号のドナルド・トランプ: 「他の通貨が出てドルを傷つけたくない」

Former U.S. President Donald Trump has commented on the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies and the crypto crackdown by the Chinese government. He reiterated his anti-crypto stance: “私はしない’t want to have other currencies coming out and hurting or demeaning the dollar

調査によると、クロスチェーンブリッジテクノロジーの成長, イーサリアムへの架け橋 $7 十億

On September 8, 2021, Dmitriy Berenzon, research partner at 1kxnetwork, an early-stage crypto fund that helps founders bootstrap token networks, published a comprehensive research post concerning blockchain bridges. Berenzons study highlights the currentmulti-chain market structureand bridges that are making

ABEYは世界で最も急速に成長しているブロックチェーンの1つです 20,000 毎週新しい住所

今週, ABEY has announced that it has been adding an average of 20,000 active ABEY 2.0 addresses each week since the beginning of August 2021, making it one of the fastest-growing blockchains in the world and finishing an exceptional week