ビットワイズCIOは10万ドルのビットコインを予測するのが難しいと言っています, イーサリアムを「年間最優秀資産」と呼ぶ

While theres been an awful lot of calls for bitcoin to reach six-digits in value in 2021, as the end of the year draws closer, それはしません’t seem like $100K per bitcoin will happen. Bitwise Asset Managements chief investment officer Matt

グレースケールレポートはメタバースを可能性として見ています $1 兆のビジネスチャンス

グレースケール, a leading cryptocurrency asset manager, seems to have set its gaze on the metaverse as a business opportunity. Yesterday the company released a report where it examined the feasibility of this interconnected virtual world and how these economies can provide

KucoinLabsがローンチ $100 ミリオンメタバース投資ファンド

Kucoin Labs, the investigative and investment arm of Kucoin, 暗号通貨交換, has launched a $100 million fund to incubate early metaverse related projects. These include blockchain gaming initiatives, NFT platforms, and decentralized platforms, とりわけ. The support will also include

メタバースは次の大きな投資テーマです, モルガンスタンレーによると

Investment bank Morgan Stanley has stated the metaverse is now the next big investment theme, in a note directed to investors Thursday. Strategists from the bank believe this alternate conception of reality is amassing important interest from companies like Meta (formerly

サンドボックススコア $93 メタバーストークンが繁栄するにつれてソフトバンクが主導する百万の投資

サンドボックス, a blockchain-based metaverse game, has scored an investment of $93 million to keep expanding its metaverse proposal. The funding round was led by Softbanks Vision Fund 2, an investment vehicle that puts funds on early tech-based companies. Other investors


Last week the leading luxury auction house Sothebys introduced its non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace calledMetaverse.The Sothebys NFT marketplace has featured a number of collectible artworks including cards from the Rare Pepe card collection. Now the socialite Paris Hilton has