Alchemy Pay: Bridging the Global Economies of Fiat and Cryptocurrencies

On April 20th, The European Parliament approved the first comprehensive crypto regulation EU-wide, the Markets in Crypto-Assets (雲母). In the same day, a separate law, the Transfer of Funds regulation, was passed, requiring crypto operators to confirm the identity of their

Kenyan AI and Blockchain Startup Receives Investment From Swiss VC Firm

Fastagger Inc, an artificial intelligence and blockchain startup from Kenya, recently revealed that it had received an investment from the Swizterland-based blockchain investor CVVC. Mutembei Kariuki, said the investment will be used to fund the further develop Fastagger’scutting-edge technology expertise”…

FIFA が FIFA ワールド カップ カタール 2022™ に先立ち、新しい Web 3․0 ゲームの範囲を発表

プレスリリース. FIFA has unveiled a portfolio of new future-focussed web 3.0 games to entertain and engage a wider group of fans ahead of FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™. Gaming and esports are some of the fastest-growing opportunities for FIFA as

アジア最大の Web3 イベント TOKEN2049 が 1 億米ドル以上の NFT 資産を独占公開

プレスリリース. SINGAPORE — 25th September 2022 — TOKEN2049, Asias premier crypto conference, announced that it will be showcasing a first-of-its-kind, immersive NFT experience, entitled the OP3N WHALE NFT Exhibition, at its upcoming Singapore edition from 28 に 29 9月. の…


中央アフリカ共和国のファウスティン=アルシャンゲ・トゥアド大統領によると、éら, 彼の国’の打ち上げ “三郷コイン” 通貨, 地域中央銀行による共通のデジタル通貨の作成の呼びかけと同様に, represent two key achievements for his country


ポルトガルの中央銀行は現在見直し中です 12 国内で暗号関連サービスを提供したい企業からのリクエスト. 一部の商業銀行がす​​でに承認されたオペレーターの口座を閉鎖しているという最近の報告の中で、アプリケーションは決定待ちです。. バイナンス…


ヨーロッパ’の銀行部門の規制当局は、それが勝ったことを心配している’EU の監視に必要な専門要員をなんとか見つけることができなかった’暗号市場を規制しようとする試み. The authority is also concerned over the lack of clarity regarding which digital assets

Gamestar+ が Ava Labs とのパートナーシップを確認し、Avalanche のローンチを間近に控えています

プレスリリース. Streaming social game platform Gamestar+ has confirmed an official partnership with blockchain developer Ava Labs, commencing the development of the technological framework that will allow Gamestar+ to bring the most iconic and well-known interactive IPs and entertainment brands as


The booming blockchain sector in Vietnam is having to deal with a serious deficit in specialists, 地元メディアが明らかにした. Despite the large number of software engineers in the country, those with blockchain expertise meet less than a fifth of the current

SolanaVenturesがローンチ $100 韓国のWeb3プロジェクトに焦点を当てたミリオンファンド

Solana Ventures has revealed the launch of a $100 million fund dedicated to Web3 startups in South Korea. According to Solana Labsgeneral manager Johnny Lee, the capital will be dedicated to non-fungible tokens (NFT), 分散型金融 (定義), and game finance