Jack Dorsey-Backed Bitcoin Legal Defense Fund Supports Open Source Developers in Lawsuit With Craig Wright

Bitcoin Legal Defense Fund (BLDF) recently delivered on its promise to fund the legal costs of 11 Bitcoin developers that are the target of the self-proclaimed Bitcoin inventor Craig Wright’s lawsuit. According to Alex Morcos, の “mission [of BLDF] is to

Britain Announces Plans for ‘Robust’ Crypto Rules, Launches Consultation

The U.K. has unveiled “ambitious plans” to “robustly regulate” various crypto activities, while seeking to protect customers and grow its economy. In the next three months, British authorities will accept public feedback on the new regulatory proposals designed to govern digital

Hacker Sent to Prison for Robbing Vietnamese Crypto Exchange

Authorities in Vietnam have caught and sentenced a hacker who stole money and data from a local cryptocurrency exchange. The man, who was arrested and charged for extorting the trading platforms owner, has been ordered to return the money he misappropriated….

IRS は「数百」の仮想通貨ケースを作成 — 当局者は言う $7 押収された数十億の暗号 2022

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is buildinghundredsof crypto cases to crack down on tax evasion, an official reportedly said. In the fiscal year 2022, the IRS Criminal Investigation Division seized about $7 billion in cryptocurrency, which was double the

パックス・ワールド: トークンは、メタバースが繁栄するための収集可能なギミックではなく、経済基盤でなければなりません

今週, pax.world launched $PAXW, its proprietary utility token for the metaverse. The process of designing and launching $PAXW has provided a clear understanding of the token’s inherent purposes, enormous potential, and possible dangers. Let’s begin at the top: A utility


Financial authorities in Singapore have proposed new regulations designed to protect consumers from risks associated with cryptocurrency investment and trading. The measures, which also aim to expand regulations for stablecoins, will be discussed with the industry before their adoption. Singapore Prepares

カザフスタンの警察がギャングを逮捕、IT スペシャリストに暗号ファームの運営を強制

カザフスタンの法執行機関は、IT 専門家に暗号通貨マイニング用の地下施設を脅迫と恐喝で強制的に運営させた容疑で、犯罪グループのメンバーを拘留しました。. 恐喝者は 50 万ドルを稼いだと言われています。. dollars a month from their


New legislation tailored to regulate the crypto space in Hong Kong aims to implement a licensing regime for crypto service providers. The respective changes to the regions anti-money laundering (AML) rules have been submitted to its legislature while a recently published

タイはVATから終了まで暗号通貨の転送を免除します 2023

タイの当局は、付加価値税を正式に導入しました (バット) 政府が承認した取引所を介した暗号通貨の転送の免除. 減税, 来年末まで有効, タイ銀行が発行するデジタル通貨にも適用される….


アイルランド政府は、政党が仮想通貨でキャンペーンの寄付を受け入れることを禁止する準備をしています. この動きは、ヨーロッパの国におけるロシアの干渉の認識された脅威をブロックすることを目的としています’s elections against the backdrop of a clash between the West