報告する: 中国企業がデジタル通貨保険商品を発売

中国の保険会社、中国太平洋保険の蘇州支店, 交通銀行と一緒に, 最近、デジタル通貨口座保険商品の発売を発表しました. The launch comes at a time when the number of personal digital currency

Debridge Finance は、北朝鮮のハッキング シンジケート Lazarus Group がプロトコルのチームを攻撃した疑いがあります

Debridge Financeの共同創設者によると, アレックス・スミルノフ, 悪名高い北朝鮮のハッキング シンジケート Lazarus Group は、Debridge をサイバー攻撃の試みにさらしました。. Smirnov 氏は Web3 チームに、キャンペーンが広まっている可能性が高いと警告しています。. Lazarus Group Suspected of Attacking Debridge Finance


The Spanish central bank, スペイン銀行, has warned users about certain actions banks can take if they detect cryptocurrency purchases. In a post published on its web page, the institution explains that traditional banks have the ability to block these

ブロックチェーンベースのソーシャルネットワークViblosが3月にベータ版をリリース 2022

プレスリリース. In todays day and age, social networks play an immense part in peoples lives. でも, some privacy issues and other concerns have surfaced and become problems that many centralized bodies have yet to address. Somewhat unexpectedly, the need for

DRepublicがコンビナブルNFTプラットフォームを発表, EIP-3664を使用した「MetaCore」

プレスリリース. Blockchain company DRepublic has announced the launch of their innovative combinable NFT platform MetaCore, and NFT product Legoot, using the new EIP-3664 Modularity. Blockchain MMORPG gameCradles: Origin Of Speciescreators DRepublic have now developed the first-ever combinable NFT

ARwards: コンテンツクリエーターのための公式OVRコンテスト

Following the announcement of a few days ago, the decentralized multiverse platform OVR, which unites the physical and virtual worlds through Augmented Reality, has launched “ARwards” contest open to all creators who are looking for an opportunity to gain wide

ロンドンの大学生がナイフポイントで強盗 8 ビットコインで93,000ドルの凶悪犯

Recently a student from the University of Kent in London was robbed at knifepoint for his bitcoin. After eight thugs stormed his dorm room and demanded that he reveal his crypto credentials and passwords, the student was forced to leave the


ビットコインドットコム, in line with its vision to supporteconomic freedom,’ is refocusing its efforts on non-custodial, また ‘self hosted,’ crypto products, including exchange. したがって, the Bitcoin.com Wallet, which is fully non-custodial and provides users with direct access to public blockchains like


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