報告する: 中国企業がデジタル通貨保険商品を発売

中国の保険会社、中国太平洋保険の蘇州支店, 交通銀行と一緒に, 最近、デジタル通貨口座保険商品の発売を発表しました. The launch comes at a time when the number of personal digital currency wallets created in the Chinese city of Suzhou alone now exceeds 30 100万.


Insurance Product ‘Guarantees’ Security of Digital Wallets

報告によると, the Suzhou branch of China Pacific Insurance along with the Bank of Communications branch in the same city, recently launched what has been described as the Asian country’s first central bank digital currency insurance product. It added that the launch “lays the foundation for the continuous and in-depth promotion of digital renminbi.”

Besides helping to widen the use cases of the digital yuan, according to the report, the new insurance product guarantees the “security of the personal digital currency wallet.”

As explained in the 報告, Suzhou, a major city in China’s Jiangsu province, is one of the cities selected to participate in the digital renminbi pilot. 現在まで, より多い 30 million digital currency or e-CNY wallets have been created. It is this growth in the number of wallets that has raised the importance of having an appropriate insurance product available to users of the e-CNY, the report said.

Explaining how the insurance product works, the report states that if personal funds are stolen or if the password of a wallet is compromised during the guarantee period, the affected wallet user will be able to lodge a claim. Since the insurance product’s launch, 以上 500 people, including students of Soochow University Business School and employees of Zhangjiagang government agencies, have reportedly signed up.

Starting in 2020, China Pacific Insurance’s Suzhou branch has been expanding the use of the digital yuan by way of increased cooperation with stakeholders such as the government, 銀行, and B-end and C-end customers. The report said these stakeholders are tasked with the job of collecting insurance premiums, paying indemnities, and issuing employee salaries and benefits.


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Terence Zimwaraはジンバブエの受賞歴のあるジャーナリストです, 作家とライター. 彼は、いくつかのアフリカ諸国の経済問題や、デジタル通貨がどのようにアフリカ人に脱出経路を提供できるかについて幅広く書いています。.

画像クレジット: シャッターストック, Pixabay, ウィキ・コモンズ

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