Musk Hires New CEO for Twitter, ‘She Will Be Starting in 6 Weeks’

Billionaire investor Elon Musk will be stepping down as chief executive of Twitter and taking on other roles in the company. The owner of the microblogging platform revealed he has hired a new CEO, media executive Linda Yaccarino, who should be


Elon Musk has started rolling out a $7.99-a-month Twitter Blue subscription service. 私たち. President Joe Biden, でも, is concerned that the billionaire has bought a social media platformthat spews lies all across the world.Stating that there areno editors

ElonMuskが暗号通貨に優しいBinanceからの資金を確保, セコイア, Twitterを購入する忠実度

Tesla and Spacex CEO Elon Musk has secured $7.139 billion in new financing commitments to fund his acquisition of Twitter, including from several pro-crypto companies. Cryptocurrency exchange Binance, for example, has committed to invest $500 million in the social media platform

世界市場がCovidとホーキッシュFRBに惑わされている間, マスクがツイッターを購入した後の株式と暗号のリバウンド

ウォール街は月曜日の朝、主要な米国として苦しんだ.. 株価指数はさらに下落, 先週集められた損失に基づいて構築. 報告書は、投資家が今後の連邦準備制度理事会の利上げと中国について懸念していることを示しています’最近のCovid-19の発生. As equities floundered on

テスラのイーロンマスクがTwitterの購入を提案 $41 十億, 彼はそれを民間企業にしたいと言っています

Tesla billionaire Elon Musk has offered to purchase Twitter for $41.4 十億, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing published on Thursday. Musk also explained in his note that he believes Twitter should be a private company and he