Une enquête qui demande si la fusion pourrait provoquer une scission de la chaîne Ethereum déclenche des discussions sur les retards de PoS

While there’s 50 jours restants jusqu'à la semaine de septembre 19, la communauté crypto a discuté de la question de savoir si les développeurs d'Ethereum retarderont ou non la date au crayon pour The Merge. Le co-fondateur d'Axie Infinity déclare que le jeu Blockchain prévoit de lancer un échange décentralisé, en juillet 27, the crypto hedge fund Galois Capital published a survey on Twitter that indicates more than 33% of the survey’s respondents think Ethereum could split in two once again.


The Merge Getting Delayed in September Becomes a Topical Conversation

After the so-called penciled-in date for La fusion was announced, the price of ethereum (ETH) et Ethereum classique (ETC) skyrocketed in value against the U.S. dollar. The Ethereum developer and Beacon chain community director, Superphiz, expliqué that the “timeline isn’t final,” but the planning timeline he shared said The Merge could be implemented on the week of September 19. Essentiellement, The Merge will finalize the transition from a proof-of-work (PoW) chain to a proof-of-stake (Point de vente) consensus model.

Almost immediately after the announcement, the price of ethereum jumped considerably higher after previously suffering from the bear market downturn. ETH a gagné 62.4% contre les États-Unis. dollar in the last 30 jours. toutefois, with the date getting closer there’s a lot less hype and people are now wondering if Ethereum developers will delay The Merge fork. The subject of delaying The Merge has been a topical conversation on social media this weekend. One individual a écrit:

I think everyone’s too fixated on the September deadline for The Merge that they think everything has to be settled within the next few months. But what if the Ethereum Foundation just delays it again?

Ethereum Supporter Says It’s a ‘Low Probability Bear Scenario if The Merge Is Delayed’

There are multiple Twitter threads discussing the possibility of The Merge getting delayed and a myriad of theoretical scenarios. One individual named Chris who calls himself a “retired degen” published a thread that shows the upsides of The Merge if it is successfully implemented with no issues.

Chris insists The Merge would drop the blockchain network’s energy use down 99.95%, it will make ETH deflationary and institutional investors will flock to the project. toutefois, Chris further remarked that a bear scenario could take place if The Merge is delayed again.

“A low probability bear scenario is if the merge is delayed, AGAIN,” Chris expliqué. “A delay isn’t highly probable because the Devs are quite confident enough to set a date for the event. But then some testnets are yet to be migrated from PoW to PoS. Namely Ethereum’s Goelri and Sepolia.”

Galois Capital Survey Sparks ETH2 Delay and Chain Split Discussions

In addition to the large number of Twitter discussions talking about The Merge being delayed, the crypto hedge fund Galois Capital has shared a survey that asks whether people think Ethereum will split into two chains after The Merge is implemented. 53.7% of the survey’s respondents said The Merge will go smoothly but 33.1% thought the chain could split. If it did split there would be a PoW and PoS token even though a PoW version of ETH already exists.

le Ethereum classique (ETC) network was introduit after the fork in 2016 to remedy the DAO hack and the Galois Capital survey shows that 51.8% of the respondents think ETH miners will transition to ETC.

The Galois Capital survey also asked if there was a non-trivial chance stablecoin company Tether would support a PoW token that splits away from the PoS ETH réseau. toutefois, Tether CTO Paolo Ardoino mentionné on Sunday that Tether plans “to support ETH2.” Ardoino also stressé that “support of ETH2 will be seamless” and he ajoutée:

It’s not about what I/we prefer between PoW/PoS. Stablecoins should act responsibly and avoid disruption for users. Especially for [finances décentralisées] it’s really delicate.

Tags dans cette histoire
scission de la chaîne de blocs, Chaîne fendue, finances décentralisées, DéFi, Retard, Retarder la fusion, ETC, Ethereum classique, Galois Capital, Galois Capital survey, Goelri, Délai de fusion, Fourchette de fusion, Paolo Ardoino, Point de vente, PoW, Preuve de travail, Preuve de participation, Sepolia, Stablecoin, La technologie, Attache, Attache CTO, La fusion, Mise à niveau, USDT

What do you think about the recent discussions revolving around The Merge upgrade and the questions about the possibility of Ethereum splitting into two chains? Do you think The Merge will be delayed or have issues when the upgrade is implemented? Faites-nous savoir ce que vous pensez de ce sujet dans la section commentaires ci-dessous.

Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman est le responsable de l'information chez Bitcoin-Tidings.com News et un journaliste spécialisé dans les technologies financières vivant en Floride. Redman est un membre actif de la communauté des crypto-monnaies depuis 2011. Il a une passion pour Bitcoin, code open-source, et applications décentralisées. Depuis septembre 2015, Redman a écrit plus de 5,700 articles pour Bitcoin-Tidings.com Actualités sur les protocoles perturbateurs qui émergent aujourd'hui.

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