Le géant du jeu Ubisoft mentionne Blockchain dans son récent rapport sur les bénéfices

Ubisoft, one of the biggest gaming companies in the entertainment world, mentioned blockchain as one of the key points of focus for the future of the brand. The company said it is exploring blockchain as an innovative technology to be included

L'album inédit du Wu-Tang Clan passe de Martin Shkreli à un collectif artistique NFT

Après avoir combattu devant les tribunaux depuis 2015, l'ancien gestionnaire de hedge funds Martin Shkreli a été condamné à sept ans de prison pour complot en vue de commettre une fraude en valeurs mobilières et il a été contraint de payer $7.4 millions d'amendes. Un des Shkreli’ses biens précieux,…

Cryptocurrency Derivatives Exchange Bitget sponsorise la Juventus en tant que tout premier partenaire de manchon

Singapore-based cryptocurrency derivatives exchange Bitget announced a partnership with Juventus to become its sponsor. According to the agreement, Bitget will act as Juventus official partner and official cryptocurrency exchange partner, and also its first-ever sleeve partner. Établi en 1897, Juventus is

AMC Theatres explore l'acceptation de Dogecoin: Le PDG fasciné par les résultats du sondage DOGE

AMC Theatres chain is exploring how to accept dogecoin alongside four other cryptocurrencies. AMC’s CEO conducted a poll on Twitter and was overwhelmed by the results and enthusiasm of the dogecoin community. “Ce’s clear that you think AMC should accept dogecoin….

La BIS demande aux banques centrales de développer d'urgence des CBDC pour concurrencer les actifs cryptographiques

The head of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) Innovation Hub, Benoît Cœuré, has urged central banks to act now on central bank digital currencies (CBDC) to compete with initiatives in the private sector, including cryptocurrencies. “CBDCs will take years to