Crypto Scammer arrêté à Bangkok après avoir fui avec 500 Millions de bahts

A man allegedly behind a cryptocurrency investment scam has been arrested in Bangkok, Thailand. He lured people into investing in his fraudulent crypto scheme by promising high returns, telling investors they could earn a 400% return by investing in just 200

Un homme d'affaires kenyan accusé d'avoir fraudé des investisseurs de plus de $140 Million

Businessman and owner of a Kenyan football club, Ricardo Badoer, has been accused of fleecing more than $140 million from investors via his Aidos Kuneen cryptocurrency. Threats Against Investors According to a local report, Kenyan businessman Ricardo Badoer is being accused

Le gouvernement indien répond aux questions sur les transactions Bitcoin, Arnaque du Karnataka, Légalité du trading de crypto

Le gouvernement indien a répondu à trois séries de questions au parlement concernant les transactions en bitcoins, l'escroquerie très médiatisée du bitcoin au Karnataka, et la légalité du commerce de crypto-monnaie et des échanges de crypto en Inde. Entre-temps, the winter session of parliament has begun and a

La police israélienne arrête le propriétaire et 7 Suspects de fraude cryptographique de plusieurs millions de dollars

Israeli police have arrested eight suspects in connection with a cryptocurrency fraud scheme after raiding their homes and seizing evidence. One of the suspects is Moshe Hogeg, a well-known owner of the premier soccer team Beitar Jerusalem Football Club. 8 People

Pétition des victimes d'Onecoin en Bulgarie pour la saisie d'actifs et l'indemnisation

A lawyer representing investors defrauded by the notorious crypto scam Onecoin has urged authorities in Bulgaria to act on the case, claiming that theworlds largest pyramid schemeis still operating from the country. In a petition with the Bulgarian Constitutional

Le service de sécurité ukrainien arrête un groupe criminel vendant des logiciels malveillants voleurs de bitcoins

Law enforcement authorities in Ukraine have exposed a crime ring specializing in cryptocurrency theft and laundering of illicit funds for hackers. The gang, which provided services to clients on the darknet, has been dismantled as a result of a joint operation

Un étudiant du London College volé à Knifepoint par 8 Des voyous pour 93 000 $ en Bitcoin

Recently a student from the University of Kent in London was robbed at knifepoint for his bitcoin. After eight thugs stormed his dorm room and demanded that he reveal his crypto credentials and passwords, the student was forced to leave the

La Turquie est « en guerre » contre la crypto-monnaie, déclare le président Erdogan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has clarified the governments stance on cryptocurrencies, stating that the country is at war with crypto. He emphasized that Turkey will continue with its own currency. A War and a Struggle Against Cryptocurrency Turkish President Recep

L'ex-chef de Wex Crypto Exchange aurait été arrêté en Pologne, Risque d'extradition vers le Kazakhstan

Dmitri Vassiliev, ancien directeur général de l'échange de crypto-monnaie russe Wex, a été détenu à Varsovie, la presse polonaise a rapporté. Vasiliev est recherché au Kazakhstan où il est accusé de fraude liée à la défunte plateforme de trading, successeur du tristement célèbre…