La Turquie est « en guerre » contre la crypto-monnaie, déclare le président Erdogan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has clarified the governments stance on cryptocurrencies, stating that the country is at war with crypto. He emphasized that Turkey will continue with its own currency. A War and a Struggle Against Cryptocurrency Turkish President Recep

Les menaces de la banque centrale nigériane obligent le traqueur de taux de change parallèle à suspendre le service

Suite aux menaces de la Banque centrale du Nigeria (CBN), la direction d'Abokifx, a website that tracks the Nigerian currencys black market exchange rates, a annoncé la suspension de leurs mises à jour quotidiennes. This suspension will remain in effect until Abokifx gets double son modèle non dépositaire, in line with its vision to supporteconomic freedom,’ is refocusing its efforts on non-custodial, ou ‘self hosted,’ crypto products, including exchange. Par conséquent, the Wallet, which is fully non-custodial and provides users with direct access to public blockchains like

La Cour des comptes salvadorienne enquêtera sur les achats de distributeurs automatiques de bitcoins du gouvernement, Construction de kiosques Chivo

According to reports stemming from the Salvadoran Court of Accounts, the regulatory body is planning to investigate the governments bitcoin automated teller machine (Suggestions de sondages récents) purchases and Chivo kiosk construction. The investigation follows the recent protest in El Salvador against the adoption

Le « Mad Max » du Canada soutient Bitcoin – dit « Je déteste la façon dont les banques centrales détruisent notre argent et notre économie »

Maxime Bernier, a former cabinet minister nicknamedMad Maxand the leader of the Peoples Party of Canada (PPC), says he supports bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. “I hate how central banks are destroying our money and economycryptos are another new

Le rouble numérique pour aider à freiner l'utilisation des « substituts d'argent »,La Russie déclare dans son document de stratégie financière

The launch of a digital ruble will be among Russias key priorities of digitalization this decade, le pays’s financial market development strategy has confirmed. The document claims the issuance of a digital national fiat will help the central bank to prevent