Conversions Binance $1 Milliards de BUSD en Bitcoin, BNB, et Ethereum

En Lundi, Changpeng Zhao, PDG de Binance, also known as CZ, announced that the company had decided to convert $1 billion worth of BUSD from the Industry Recovery Initiative fund into three different cryptocurrencies. Zhao noted that significant onchain movements would be

L'USDC Stablecoin s'approche de la parité avec l'USD après l'annonce du plan de sauvetage de la Fed

The stablecoin USDC has nearly regained parity with the U.S. dollar after rising just above $0.99 en mars 12, 2023, à 7:20 après-midi. Eastern Time. The stablecoin jumped back to the $0.99 range after the U.S. Federal Reserve revealed it would

« Fiat est fragile » – L’effondrement de la banque de la Silicon Valley suscite des accusations et des craintes de contagion

Banque de la Silicon Valley (SVB) est devenu le centre d'attention après que son effondrement ait incité les États-Unis à. Société fédérale d'assurance-dépôts (FDIC) fermer la banque vendredi. C'était le plus grand des États-Unis. faillite bancaire depuis 2008, and various alleged catalysts

Bitcoin, Protocole de prêt décentralisé Adalend Listing On: BTC ci-dessus $20,000, ETH au-delà $1,400 Samedi

Bitcoin rose back above $20,000 Samedi, despite markets still being spooked by the collapse of yet another banking institution. Silicon Valley Bank was shut down by U.S. regulators on Friday, causing many institutions to lose access to capital. This includes

Les flux et reflux de l’économie stable se poursuivent avec la capitalisation boursière du BUSD tombant en dessous $10 Gamme en milliards

The realm of stablecoins is an ever-evolving landscape and the number of coins in circulation for the stablecoin BUSD has fallen below the 10 billion mark to approximately 9.68 billion on March 3, 2023. Over the last 30 jours, BUSD’s token

Logium V1: The Simple Way to Profit From Crypto Betting

Logium, an ambitious newcomer to the world of crypto betting, has recently undergone a noteworthy refresh to better serve its users. What is Logium? Logium is a peer-to-peer platform that allows traders to bet with each other on whether the price

Citizens Trust Bank to Hold $65 Million in USDC Reserves as Circle Expands Bank Partnerships

Vendredi, the cryptocurrency firm and stablecoin issuer Circle announced that the financial institution Citizens Trust Bank will hold $65 million in usd coin cash reserves. Circle said the move is part of the company’s plan to allocate shares of the

Binance augmente ses avoirs en USDC alors que la capitalisation boursière du BUSD baisse

Il y a huit jours, Paxos a annoncé que la société ne frapperait plus le stablecoin BUSD. Depuis, la pièce’La capitalisation boursière a diminué à mesure que les rachats sont devenus plus importants.. Entre-temps, un chercheur de données de Nansen a découvert que Binance,…

Presque 3 Des milliards de pièces stables BUSD ont été retirées du marché en 6 Jours

Il y a six jours, quelques heures avant que la plateforme d'infrastructure blockchain Paxos n'annonce qu'elle ne frapperait plus de pièces stables BUSD, $2.86 des milliards de BUSD ont été rachetés. Actuellement, Binance est l'échange de jetons BUSD le plus actif, and the stablecoin still

Stablecoin Market Sees Supply Increase for Tether as Competitors Decline in Light of Recent Regulatory Developments

While the stablecoin market has seen significant redemptions in the past three months, the supply of tether, the largest stablecoin by market capitalization, has increased by 2.46 billion since mid-November 2022. Tether is the only one of the top five stablecoins