Le ministère russe des Finances soumet un projet de loi pour légaliser les investissements dans la cryptographie, Interdire les paiements

Le ministère russe des Finances a préparé et soumis un nouveau projet de loi pour étendre la réglementation sur la cryptographie au gouvernement. La loi “Sur la monnaie numérique” aims to introduce rules for investment in cryptocurrencies while at the same time cementing a ban on their

Crypto Exchange Binance rejoint le centre d'expertise de l'Association des banques russes

Digital asset exchange Binance has become the first crypto company to support the Association of Banks of Russia in efforts devoted to regulating the countrys growing cryptocurrency market. The coin trading platform will also work with authorities in Moscow as they

La Russie adopte une loi permettant à l'État de saisir des fonds illégaux, Actifs numériques des fonctionnaires

The State Duma of Russia, la chambre basse du parlement, has passed a law permitting law enforcement authorities to seek confiscation of illegally obtained funds from government officials, including cryptocurrency. The state may attempt to seize the assets through court if

UBS, la plus grande banque de Suisse, s'attend à ce que la législation américaine sur la cryptographie prenne du temps

la Suisse’s largest bank, UBS, expects the United States Congress to take a long time to pass cryptocurrency legislation despite mounting interest in crypto investments and regulators calling for Congress to weigh in on crypto legislation. Congress Could Take a Long Time

Funganomics achève son premier cycle d'investissement de démarrage pour accélérer le développement de l'écosystème NFT et de jeu

COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE. The Ethereum-based solution will be a premier, bespoke online community, bringing together NFT investors, partners, play-to-earn gamers and developers. While new NFT and PTE gaming sites are being deployed seemingly everyday, few if any have tied together in a

Le FMI avertit que le boom de la crypto pose de nouveaux défis pour la stabilité financière, Exhorte les régulateurs à intensifier

The International Monetary Fund (Le FMI avertit que les sanctions contre la Russie menacent de saper la domination du dollar américain) warns that the rising popularity of cryptocurrencies poses new challenges to financial stability. “Cryptoization can reduce the ability of central banks to effectively implement monetary policy. It could also create financial stability risks.IMF Sees New

Le sénateur américain Warren presse la SEC de résoudre les pannes d'échange de crypto, Frais de transaction élevés, L'inclusion financière

At the U.S. Senate Banking Committee hearing Tuesday, Senator Elizabeth Warren called on the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SECONDE), Gary Gensler, to increase oversight of cryptocurrency. She brought up several problems she associates with cryptocurrency that could hurt