Coinbase acquiert Fairx Exchange pour rendre le marché des produits dérivés accessible à des millions de clients de détail

Nasdaq-listed cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has acquired a regulated derivatives trading platform. Coinbase plans to make the derivatives market more approachable to millions of its retail customers. Coinbase Plans to Offer Crypto Derivatives to All US Customers Nasdaq-listed crypto exchange operator Coinbase

JPMorgan partage ses prévisions sur les marchés de la cryptographie, Mises à niveau d'Ethereum, Défi, TVN

Global investment bank JPMorgan has published a report on the future outlook of crypto markets, including Ethereums upgrades, finances décentralisées (défi), and non-fungible tokens (TVN). The bank seesthe cryptocurrency markets as increasingly relevant to financial services,” its analyst described. JP Morgan…

Réclamations sur la liste des bons du Trésor Bitcoin 59 Les entreprises et une poignée de pays détiennent 1.49 Millions de BTC

304 days or roughly nine months ago, 42 companies held bitcoin on their balance sheet with an aggregate total of 1,350,073 bitcoin on March 1, 2021. Aujourd'hui, metrics indicate there are 59 entreprises, a few countries, and exchange-traded funds (ETF) avec…

Le Royaume-Uni interdit les publicités cryptographiques de Papa John's Pizza, Capital BECO, Etoro, La lune, Kraken

The U.K. advertising watchdog has banned several cryptocurrency ads, including those by Papa Johns Pizza, Capital BECO, Kraken, Etoro, and Luno. The authority says the ads are “trompeur” et “irresponsibly taking advantage of consumersinexperience.” 7 Crypto Ads Banned by UK Authority

Paradigme lance $2.5 Un milliard de fonds de capital-risque investira dans la prochaine génération de sociétés et de protocoles de cryptographie

Investment firm Paradigm has launched a $2.5 billion venture fund to invest in the next generation of crypto companies and protocols. The firm believes that thenew fund and its size are reflective of crypto being the most exciting frontier in

Coinbase va améliorer le support client aux États-Unis et en Inde en acquérant AI Platform Agara

Coinbase is acquiring an AI-powered support platform Agara in an effort to deliverworld-class support for customers.The exchange explained thatThrough this acquisition, nous’ll be able to provide our customers with new personalized, intelligent, and real-time support options.The acquisition

Coinbase publie une proposition de réglementation de la cryptographie 4 Recommandations de base

Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has published its proposal for crypto regulation after “plus que 75 meetings with stakeholders in government, industry, and academia,” CEO Brian Armstrong revealed. In its Digital Asset Policy Proposal, the company recommendsfour core pillars to inform future

Le sénateur américain Warren presse la SEC de résoudre les pannes d'échange de crypto, Frais de transaction élevés, L'inclusion financière

At the U.S. Senate Banking Committee hearing Tuesday, Senator Elizabeth Warren called on the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SECONDE), Gary Gensler, to increase oversight of cryptocurrency. She brought up several problems she associates with cryptocurrency that could hurt