Economist Peter Schiff Warns of Stagflation in US Economy — Says ‘It’s Going to Get Worse’

Economist Peter Schiff has warned that the U.S. economy is facing stagflation and the situation is going to get worse. “Not only is the economy weakening, but inflation is strengthening,” il a souligné, soulignant: “You have the worst of both worlds.” NOUS….

Japan’s Inflation Surges to 3.5% as New BOJ Governor Takes the Helm

Cette semaine, the Statistics Bureau of Japan unveiled the latest core consumer price index (IPC) report for the country, revealing a surge to 3.5%. This figure comes as a surprise to analysts who had predicted a more modest 2.9% for the

Brazil and China Deepen Trade Integration to Move Away From US Dollar, as First Yuan-Based Settlement Is Processed

Brazil and China have reached a milestone in their economic integration, as the first bilateral settlement in Chinese yuan was completed ahead of the visit of President Luis InacioLulada Silva to China. The settlement, which was processed by the

Le peso argentin perd presque 12% Contre le billet vert en janvier; L’inflation devrait fortement augmenter

The Argentine peso has fallen consistently against the U.S. dollar this month, losing almost 12% since Jan. 1. The behavior of the exchange rate for the informalbluedollar keeps bringing concerns about a possible escalade in inflation rates, that are

Georgia Prepares to Launch Digital Lari Pilot in First Half of 2023

The central bank of Georgia intends to publish a document detailing the concept of a national digital currency in the coming months. Other participating parties will use it to finalize their proposals for the pilot which the monetary authority plans to

Le milliardaire chinois Jack Ma accepte de céder le contrôle du Fintech Giant Ant Group

Le milliardaire chinois Jack Ma a récemment accepté de renoncer au contrôle d’Ant Group dans le cadre de changements apportés à la structure d’entreprise de la fintech., ce qui n'aura soi-disant pas d'impact sur “les intérêts économiques de tout actionnaire d’Ant Group et de leurs…

Chien de garde bancaire vénézuélien pour superviser les transactions cryptographiques afin de préserver la stabilité de la monnaie

Sudeban, the Venezuelan banking watchdog, is currently working on a mechanism to review crypto-related transactions in real-time to control the influence these have on the stability of the exchange market. Analysts have recently linked the situation in peer-to-peer (P2P) crypto markets

Messari publie le troisième trimestre 2022 Rapports sur l'état du TRON et l'état de l'USDD

Genève, la Suisse / novembre 8, 2022 / – messer, le principal fournisseur d'informations sur le marché de la cryptographie, a publié deux rapports d'analyse trimestriels liés à l'écosystème TRON – État de TRON Q3 2022 et État de l'USDD Q3 2022. Both reports indicated

Singapore Seeks to Reduce Risks for Retail Crypto Investors With Restrictive Rules

Financial authorities in Singapore have proposed new regulations designed to protect consumers from risks associated with cryptocurrency investment and trading. The measures, which also aim to expand regulations for stablecoins, will be discussed with the industry before their adoption. Singapore Prepares

Le yen japonais plonge au plus bas depuis 32 ans face au dollar américain - Une autre intervention des autorités est attendue

The Japanese yen’s exchange rate versus the U.S. dollar recently plunged to its lowest rate in 32 years — 147.66 JPY per dollar. The yen’s latest fall comes less than a month after its slip in September prompted authorities to enter