Conversions Binance $1 Milliards de BUSD en Bitcoin, BNB, et Ethereum

En Lundi, Changpeng Zhao, PDG de Binance, also known as CZ, announced that the company had decided to convert $1 billion worth of BUSD from the Industry Recovery Initiative fund into three different cryptocurrencies. Zhao noted that significant onchain movements would be

FTX et Alameda Research s'effondrent Triste événement mais "bon pour le long terme", déclare l'associé directeur de DWF Labs

Alors que l'effondrement de l'échange de crypto FTX et de sa filiale Alameda Research aurait laissé de nombreux acteurs de la crypto, y compris teneurs de marché, dans la pire position possible, selon Andrei Gratchev, associé directeur chez DWF Labs, this incident may

UNHCR Launches Blockchain Payment Solution to Support Ukrainians Displaced by War

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) recently said it has launched a blockchain payment solution for digital cash distribution to internally displaced persons (PDI) in Ukraine. According to the agency, the use of the blockchain-based cash distribution system ensures