Coinbase Secures Regulatory Approval to Operate as a Virtual Asset Service Provider in Ireland

Coinbase has announced it has secured regulatory approval as a virtual asset service provider (VASP) in Ireland, according to a company blog post published on Dec. 21. Selon la société, Coinbase has been approved by Ireland’s central bank which means

Coinbase reçoit l'approbation de principe pour fournir des services de cryptographie à Singapour

Singapour’s central bank, l'Autorité monétaire de Singapour (MAIS), has given Coinbasein-principle approvalallowing the crypto exchange tooffer regulated digital payment token products and services in the island state.Coinbase stressed: “Aujourd'hui’s announcement underlines our commitment to Singapore as

Coinbase obtient l'approbation réglementaire pour fournir des services de cryptographie en Italie

Nasdaq-listed cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has obtained regulatory approval to offer crypto services in Italy. “Coinbase is committed to bringing the power of our full product suite to customers across Europe,” la société a dit. Coinbase Approved in Italy Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase (Nasdaq:…

La République d'Irlande va interdire les dons politiques de crypto-monnaie

Le gouvernement irlandais se prépare à interdire aux partis politiques d'accepter des dons de campagne en crypto-monnaie. Cette décision vise à bloquer la menace perçue d'ingérence russe dans la nation européenne’s elections against the backdrop of a clash between the West

Visa: Une entreprise sur quatre interrogée prévoit d'accepter les paiements en crypto-monnaie cette année

Payments giant Visa has conducted a survey of small businesses and found that almost a quarter of those who responded plan to accept cryptocurrency payments this year. “I think more people are feeling more confident with crypto,” said a Visa executive….

Bitcoin Hashrate augmente malgré la baisse des prix, Le mystérieux Hashpower revient

Bitcoin’s hashrate has increased a great deal, even after the leading crypto assets price slipped below the $50K price zone. Eight days ago the network hashrate was coasting along at 168 exahash par seconde (EH/s), and this past week it increased

BNY Mellon exhorte l'Irlande à adopter les règles de cryptographie avant les réglementations de l'UE, Rapport révèle

Alors que les autorités de l'UE discutent toujours de la réglementation de la crypto-monnaie à l'échelle de l'Union, un grand américain. la banque aurait fait pression sur le gouvernement irlandais pour qu'il adopte ses propres règles pour l'espace. BNY Mellon launched its digital asset business in Ireland this year to