BRICS Currency Will Erode US Dollar’s Dominance, Former White House Economist Warns

Former White House economist Joseph Sullivan has warned that a BRICS currency would erode the U.S. dollar’s dominance. If member nations use only a common BRICS currency for international trade, “they would remove an impediment that now thwarts their efforts to

Robert Kiyosaki Says ‘America Is Dying’ — Warns of Hyperinflation, Death of US Dollar

Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki has issued a warning about the potential demise of the U.S. dollar and the looming threat of hyperinflation. He has expressed concern that the USD may lose its value andbecome toilet paper.Further,…

Les pays BRICS travaillent à la création d'une nouvelle monnaie qui sera discutée lors du prochain sommet des dirigeants: Signaler

The BRICS nations are reportedly working on developing a new form of currency, which is expected to be discussed at the next BRICS leaders’ sommet, according to a top Russian official. “The transition to settlements in national currencies is the first

Les nations BRICS se rassemblent contre le dollar,» Les grandes banques prévoient de nouvelles hausses de la Fed, Bitcoin enregistre de gros blocs à mesure que les ordinaux gagnent de la monnaie

In spite of turbulence in traditional global finance, with BRICS nations said to be pushing for de-dollarization and major banks like Bank of America and Goldman Sachs predicting further interest rate hikes from the U.S. Réserve fédérale, creativity in crypto has

Le rapport d'analyse de la chaîne indique $2.2 Un million de crypto a été envoyé à des groupes pro-russes en Ukraine

Selon un rapport issu de la société de renseignement blockchain Chainalysis, l'entreprise a identifié 54 groupes pro-russes qui ont “collectivement reçu sur $2.2 millions de dollars de crypto-monnaie.” The paramilitary groups in Ukraine primarily received bitcoin and ether donations but also got