Ründajad varastavad $80 Miljon Rari Capitali kaitsmeplatvormilt, Fei protokoll kannatab ärakasutamise all

According to a report from the blockchain company Blocsec, Rari Capitals Fuse platform has lost roughly $80 million from areentrancy vulnerability.” Laupäeval, Fei Protocols official Twitter account confirmed it lost funds from the Rari Fuse platform exploit. $80 Miljon…

Kesk-Aafrika Vabariik on võtnud võrdlusvaluutana kasutusele Bitcoini – presidendi kantselei

Following the confusion that surrounded initial reports, a senior staffer in the Central African Republic (CAR)’s presidency has now confirmed that bitcoin will become the countrys reference currency. First Country in Africa to Officially Adopt Bitcoin A press statement supposedly issued

Venemaa Pank soovib lubada börsidel digitaalsete varadega kaubelda

Venemaa keskpank tegi hiljuti ettepaneku anda traditsioonilistele börsidele luba digitaalsete varade turul tegutsemiseks. Tööstuse jälgijad ütlevad, et regulaatori eesmärk on anda investoritele võimalus kaubelda krüptovaluutadega kontrollitud keskkonnas. Venemaa börsid…

UK Unveils Comprehensive Plan to Become Global Crypto Hub With Dynamic Regulation

The U.K. government has unveiled a detailed plan to make the country a global crypto hub anda hospitable place for crypto.The plan includes establishing a dynamic regulatory framework for crypto, regulating stablecoins, and working with the Royal Mint to

Bandai Namco Announces Gundam Themed Metaverse

Bandai Namco, a game developer and publishing company involved in the production of toys from several intellectual properties (IP-d), has revealed more information about its $130-million metaverse gambit. The company says this new initiative will be based on its Gundam IP,…

Axie Infinity kaotab $620 Miljon pärast seda, kui häkker kompromiteeris Ronini valideerijaid

According to Sky Mavis, the creators of the blockchain NFT game Axie Infinity, the Ronin network has been attacked, and a hacker has managed to siphon 173,600 in ethereum and 25.5 million usd coin (USDC). The attacker has obtained roughly $620

Binance Informs Canadian Regulator It’s ‘Committed’ to Ceasing Crypto Trading Services in Ontario

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has informed the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) that it is committed to ceasing opening new accounts for Ontario residents and winding down certain services to comply with regulations. Binance Promises to Increase Efforts to Comply With Regulation Cryptocurrency

Ukraine Uses Donated Crypto to Pay for Military Supplies — Government Says $50 Million in Crypto Raised in a Week

The Ukrainian government announces that $50 million in cryptocurrency was raised within a week since Russia began its invasion of Ukraine. The government has so far spent $15 million in donated cryptocurrency to buy military supplies. Ukraine Government Spends $15 Miljon…

Jaapan kavatseb peatada sanktsioonide all olevatel Venemaa üksustel krüptovarade ülekandmise

Kuna finantsasutused kogu maailmas jätkavad sanktsioonide alla sattunud Venemaa üksuste sihtmärki, reguleerivad asutused Jaapanis koos riigiga’s krüptoühendus üritab leida ja sulgeda lünki, mida võidakse kasutada sanktsioonidest kõrvalehoidmiseks. Kaks keha, Kuid, have said

Euroopa kavandatavast krüptomäärusest eemaldati töötõendamiskeeld

A text threatening to prohibit cryptocurrencies relying on energy-intensive proof-of-work mining has been deleted from the draft legislation aimed at regulating the European crypto space. The move comes after the controversial provision sparked objections from the crypto community. MiCA Proposal Drops