Oman to Incorporate Real Estate Tokenization in Virtual Assets Regulatory Framework

Real estate tokenization is set to be incorporated into Oman Capital Markets Authority (OCMA)’s virtual asset regulatory framework. According to an advisor with the authority, the tokenizing of real estate will open investment opportunities for local and foreign investors. Real Estate

Brasiilia kongressi eesmärk on lähikuudel läbida ühtne krüptoraamistik

Brasiilia kongress püüab enne teise kvartali lõppu heaks kiita krüptovaluutade õigusraamistiku. Kohaliku meedia teadete kohaselt, Senatis ja kongressis esitatud erinevate õigusprojektide pooldajad on teatanud, et nad püüavad…

Krüpto- ja plokiahelaettevõtted moodustavad 16% Araabia Ühendemiraatide vabatsooni rekordilistest Q1 ettevõtete registreerimistest

Crypto and blockchain firms constituted 16% selle 655 new company registrations that were recorded in Q1 of 2022, the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) has said. The surge in crypto-related registrations also coincided with a quarterly period in which the

Venemaa Kaubanduskoda soovitab kasutada krüptovaluutasid arveldustes Aafrikaga

Employing crypto in cross-border payments is one of the proposals put forward by the Russian Chamber Of Commerce lobbying for more cooperation with African countries. Amid unprecedented sanctions limiting Russias ability to trade internationally, the head of the board has urged

Aruanne: Fed’s Secret Repo Loans to Megabanks in 2020 Eclipsed 2008 Päästmised, Data Dump Shows $48 Trillion in Stealth Funding

Following the controversial bank bailouts and Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) sisse 2008, reports show in late 2019 ja 2020, USA. Federal Reserve participated in providing trillions of dollars in secret repo loans to megabanks. At the end of March,…

Robinhood Lists Shiba Inu and 3 More Cryptocurrencies — SHIB Price Soars

Popular trading platform Robinhood has listed shiba inu (SHIB) as well as three other popular cryptocurrencies. Supporters of the meme crypto have petitioned for months for Robinhood to list SHIB. Robinhood Finally Lists Shiba Inu Crypto Popular trading platform Robinhood announced

Bank of Spain Reminds Public Cryptocurrency Purchases Can Be Blocked in Certain Cases

The Spanish central bank, Hispaania Pank, has warned users about certain actions banks can take if they detect cryptocurrency purchases. In a post published on its web page, the institution explains that traditional banks have the ability to block these

EU Designates ESMA as Crypto Regulator of the Region in Latest MiCA Draft

The Parliament of the EU has designated ESMA, the European Securities and Markets Authority, the top cryptocurrency regulator of the region in the latest draft of MiCA, the Markets in Crypto Assets regulation. The European organization would have the task of

Bank of America strateeg hoiatab, et tulemas on majanduslanguse šokk, Analüütiku sõnul võib krüpto tootlus ületada võlakirju

Reedel, Ameerika Pank’s (BOFA) chief investment strategist Michael Hartnett explained in a weekly financial note to clients that the U.S. economy could head into a recession. The BOFA strategists note further detailed that cryptocurrencies could outperform bonds and stocks….

Rahandusminister Yellen ütleb, et krüptoregulatsioon peaks toetama vastutustundlikku innovatsiooni, Riskide haldamine

Rahandusminister Yellen ütles, et USA krüptovarade reguleerivad raamistikud. peaks “toetada vastutustundlikku innovatsiooni riskide juhtimisel.” Ta rõhutas, “Reguleerimine peaks põhinema riskidel ja tegevustel, mitte spetsiifilised tehnoloogiad.” Treasury Secretary Yellen on Crypto Regulation U.S. Riigikassa…