Bitcoin teeb edusamme mahajäämuse likvideerimisel, kuid välguvõrgu läbilaskevõime ja kanalid langesid ummikute tõttu

Viimasel nädalal, Bitcoini võrk on oma ummikuprobleemide lahendamisel edusamme teinud. mail 7, 2023, kinnitamata tehingute arv saavutas kõigi aegade kõrgeima taseme, üle 500,000 ülekandeid, põhjustades suure mahajäämuse. Kuid, alates tänasest, et…

GAIMIN pakub detsentraliseeritud lähenemisviisi kasvavale andmetöötlusvõimsuse nõudele

The world-wide demand for data processing is increasing year-on-year, with data processing applications requiring ever increasing performance from data processing devices and services. Industries, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), video rendering, powering blockchain computations, scientific simulations and research, financial modeling and

VICUNA Platform, Smell in Metaverse-VINAVerse

VICUNA is designed to develop cutting-edge technology and applications that push users beyond the limits of immersive experiences. VICUNA team believes in building products that improve customerslives and advance the state of VR as an industry with a strong focus

TooNFT Looks to Revolutionise the Webtoon Industry via Next-Generation Blockchain Platform

PRESSITEADE. Given the rapid evolution associated with technological advancements and new developments regarding Web3 and dApps, TooNFT has decided to launch the decentralised webtoon platform in conjunction with Toomics, which happens to be one of the largest webtoon platforms in

SURVIVE: Only One Will Last in the Metaverse

PRESSITEADE. SURVIVE is going to revolutionize the Metaverse. Its a hybrid between live-action and open-world games. Think of GTA 5, with a 3D Metaverse where you can play for free and earn money. SURVIVE is backed by NFT Global, a…

Poliitiline karikaturist süüdistab NFT platvorme Opensea, Haruldane olemine "poliitilise tsensuuri tööriistad"

While non-fungibe token (NFT) collectibles have been very popular, NFTs have brought a slew of unique debates to the table and one of them has been censorship. The artist behind Stonetoss Comics, a series of political cartoons, has been censored by

"Feels Guy" saab plokiahela – käivitatakse haruldane Wojaki NFT projekt 4,000 Juhuslikult genereeritud wojakid

While Pepe the frog and Doge made it into the limelight with unique and rare non-fungible token (NFT) varasid, another NFT meme collection tied to the infamous 2010 memeWojakhas entered the fray. A new NFT collection stemming from the