Bitcoini kogukond jagatud: Väljakutsete skaleerimine käivitavad intensiivse arutelu mempooli ületäitumisel

See nädal, Bitcoini kogukond on olnud kirglik aruteludest võrgu skaleerimisprobleemide üle. Kuna plokiahela ülekandetasud kasvavad jätkuvalt, mempoolisse takerdunud tehingute mahajäämus on jõudnud enneolematult kõrgele tasemele. Crypto enthusiasts have been sharing

Bitcoin Cash Smart Contracts ‘Comparable to Those on Ethereum’ Possible via May Upgrade, ‘1000x Efficiency Advantage’: Dev Jason Dreyzehner

Pro-freedom technologies advocate and software developer Jason Dreyzehner recently spoke with News via email about the upcoming Bitcoin Cash network upgrade on May 15. One of the most talked about improvement proposals set to go through on that date —…

Treasury Secretary Yellen Warns US Could Default on Its Debt by June 1

USA. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has warned that the Treasury will not be able to pay all of the government’s debt “as early as June 1, if Congress does not raise or suspend the debt limit before that time.” Yellen also

Alchemy Pay: Bridging the Global Economies of Fiat and Cryptocurrencies

On April 20th, The European Parliament approved the first comprehensive crypto regulation EU-wide, the Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA). In the same day, a separate law, the Transfer of Funds regulation, was passed, requiring crypto operators to confirm the identity of their

"2023. aasta paanika": James Corbett selgitab, kuidas pangakriis võib viia CBDC "täieliku rahakontrolli õudusunenägu"

Uuriv ajakirjanik James Corbett viitas hiljuti käimasolevale ülemaailmsele panganduskriisile, mis hõlmab SVB-d, Allkirjapank, Credit Suisse ja teised “2023. aasta paanika,” tuues võrdlusi sellega, mida ta peab ajaloolisteks pretsedentidena, ja osutades ette paratamatule…

US Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Affirm Blockchain Developers and Non-Custodial Services Are Not Money Transmitters

USA. lawmaker has introduced the Blockchain Regulatory Certainty Act to ensure that developers and non-custodial service providers in the crypto space are not considered money transmitters and are not subject to the same level of regulation as custodial cryptocurrency exchanges….

Multichain Wallet Bitkeep tõstab $30 Miljon Bitgetist Defi ja Cefi vaheliste sidemete tugevdamiseks

Kolmapäeval, mitmeahelaline rahakott Bitkeep teatas, et tõstis $30 miljonit krüptoderivatiivide platvormilt Bitget. Bitkeepil on nüüd üldine hinnang $300 miljonit, mille eesmärk on tugevdada sidemeid detsentraliseeritud rahastamise vahel (defi) ja tsentraliseeritud rahandus (cefi)….

First Republic Bank’s Shares Downgraded to Junk Status by S&P Globaalne; Stock Slides More Than 25% Lower

After UBS acquired Credit Suisse and close to a dozen financial institutions injected $30 billion into First Republic Bank four days ago, S&P Global downgraded First Republic’s shares to junk status on Sunday. Investors are concerned that the cash infusion from

Debate Intensifies Over Significance and Implications of Ordinal Inscriptions on Bitcoin Blockchain

During the past two weeks, members of the cryptocurrency community have discussed the non-fungible token (NFT) concept known as Ordinals. Since the 3.96 MB block (#774,628) was mined, there has been a significant increase in Ordinal inscriptions on the Bitcoin blockchain….

USA valitsus lükkab krüptovaluuta maaklerite maksuaruandluse eeskirju edasi

USA on edasi lükanud maaklerite krüptoinvestorite kasumist teatamise nõude jõustamise. Rahandusministeerium ja IRS. Uued maksureeglid, lisatud $1 USA vastu võetud triljoni infrastruktuuri eelnõu. kongress…