SEC Probes First Republic Bank Executives for Insider Trading; Lawmakers Dump Bank’s Shares Before Collapse

After the second largest bank failure in history, USA. Väärtpaberi- ja börsikomisjon (SEC) is reportedly investigating First Republic Bank executives for allegedly engaging in insider trading. Two sources have claimed that the securities regulator is scrutinizing the bank’s executives

Endine FTX inseneridirektor USA õiguskaitseorganite kontrolli all, Väidetavad pakkumise istungid toimusid prokuröridega New Yorgis

USA. Õiguskaitseametnikud uurivad väidetavalt Nishad Singhit, endine FTX inseneridirektor, vastavalt raportile, milles viidatakse asjaga tuttavatele inimestele. Veel üks aruanne, avaldatud jaanuaril. 10, 2023, üksikasjad, mida Singh kohtus föderaalprokuröridega…

Solana Ventures tuleb turule $100 Miljoni fond keskendub Web3 projektidele Lõuna-Koreas

Solana Ventures has revealed the launch of a $100 million fund dedicated to Web3 startups in South Korea. According to Solana Labsgeneral manager Johnny Lee, the capital will be dedicated to non-fungible tokens (NFT-d), detsentraliseeritud rahandus (defi), and game finance