El gobierno indio introduce nuevas sanciones fiscales a las criptomonedas

El gobierno indio ha introducido nuevas sanciones fiscales a las criptomonedas., incluso por falta de pago del impuesto criptográfico deducido en fuente (TDS). Para decepción de la comunidad criptográfica, La ministra de Finanzas, Nirmala Sitharaman, no mencionó las criptomonedas en su discurso sobre el presupuesto de este año.….

India supera al Reino Unido como la quinta economía más grande del mundo según datos del FMI

India is now the worlds fifth-largest economy after surpassing the U.K., the latest data from the International Monetary Fund (FMI) shows. India’s former chief economic advisor expects the country to become the worlds third-largest economy by 2028-30. India Becomes 5th Largest

Finder’s $675 ETH Prediction, India Calls on G20 Re: Crypto Taxes, Peterffy Concerned BTC Could ‘Become Worthless or Outlawed’ — Bitcoin.com News Week in Review

En esta semana’s bite-sized digest of the hottest stories from Bitcoin.com News, a new Finder survey knocks down previous forecasts for ethereums price a notch, with crypto experts predicting lower long-term prices for the asset. También, India calls on G20 nations

Indian Government Reveals How It Plans to Tax Cryptocurrency Transactions

India’s ministry of finance has clarified in parliament how the government plans to tax cryptocurrency transactions. A proposed new section to the Income Tax Act states that gains from crypto transactions will be taxed at 30% while losses cannot be deducted….