India to Facilitate International Settlements in Rupees to Reduce Dependence on the US Dollar

The government of India has announced that it will facilitate the settlement of international transactions using its national currency, the rupee. As part of its foreign trading policy framework implemented on April 1, the country introduced this measure to facilitate payments

Milliardär Tim Draper drängt Sri Lanka zur Einführung von Bitcoin – Zentralbank sagt: „Wir wollen die Krise nicht verschlimmern“

Berichten zufolge hat der milliardenschwere Investor und Risikokapitalgeber Tim Draper versucht, die srilankische Regierung davon zu überzeugen, Bitcoin einzuführen. jedoch, Der Gouverneur der Zentralbank von Sri Lanka lehnte seine Empfehlung ab, betonen: “Adoption of 100% bitcoin wont be a Sri

Sri Lankas E-Commerce-Plattform Kapruka führt Krypto-Zahlungen ein

Sri Lankas leading online retailer, Kapruka, has unveiled plans to introduce support for cryptocurrency payments. The news comes as the South Asian country intensifies efforts to adopt legislation tailored to regulate its blockchain space and attract investments from the crypto industry….