Inmitten der heißesten US-Inflation in 40 Jahre, Die Biden-Administration macht die Schifffahrtsindustrie für steigende Preise verantwortlich

During the last few months, inflation has risen significantly in the United States as it has climbed at its fastest pace since 1982. Data shows younger families with children have been struggling to make ends meet, while reports further indicate retirees

US-Finanzbeamter: Wir sehen nicht, dass Krypto in großem Maßstab verwendet werden könnte, um Sanktionen zu umgehen

Die USA. Department of the Treasury does not see that cryptocurrency could be used in a large-scale way to evade sanctions. “Its share as a medium for illicit finance is not anywhere as large as just using cash,” a senior Treasury

MiCA-Änderungen vorgeschlagene Last-Minute-Drohung eines EU-Verbots von Bitcoin wiederbeleben, Enthüllungen melden

Changes to the EUs MiCA proposal to regulate crypto markets, suggested shortly before a vote on the package, indicate a bitcoin ban is still a possibility. Despite recently removing wording that would have prohibited coins with energy-intensive mining, some members of

US-Senator Booker: Kryptowährung kann der amerikanischen Wirtschaft Wachstum bringen, wenn sie richtig reguliert wird

UNS. Senator Cory Booker sees cryptocurrency asan exciting innovation with the potential to bring growth to the American economy if properly nurtured and regulated.The senator from New Jersey is encouraged by President Joe Bidens executive order on crypto regulation….

US-Finanzministerium startet Programm zur Sensibilisierung für Kryptowährungen

Die USA. Department of the Treasury is launching a cryptocurrency awareness program. “Wir’re just trying to raise awareness without trying to stamp out new technology and new innovation,” said an official of the Treasury. Schatzkammer’s Efforts to Raise Crypto Awareness The

Cornell-Professor: Die Kryptoindustrie könnte von Bidens Executive Order profitieren, Vorschriften sorgen für Legitimität

A Cornell University economics professor says that President Joe Bidens executive order on the regulation of cryptocurrency could benefit the industry. “Ultimately what these sorts of regulations provide to the industry is legitimacy,” said the professor. Cornell Professor on Crypto Industry

Blacklists von Coinbase beendet 25,000 Krypto-Adressen, die an russische Einzelpersonen und Organisationen gebunden sind

Die Kryptowährungsbörse Coinbase hat sich an das Unternehmen gewandt’s Verfahren zur Einhaltung von Sanktionen in einem am Sonntag veröffentlichten Blogbeitrag. Die Kryptofirma sagt, dass die Einhaltung von Sanktionen eine Rolle spielt “wichtige Rolle bei der Förderung der nationalen Sicherheit” und die Taten können zur Abschreckung beitragen…

Japan versucht, sanktionierte russische Unternehmen daran zu hindern, Krypto-Assets zu übertragen

As financial authorities around the world continue to target sanctioned Russian entities, regulators in Japan along with the countrys crypto association are attempting to find and close gaps that may be used to circumvent sanctions. The two bodies, jedoch, have said

US-Gesetzgeber arbeiten an Richtlinien zur Öffnung von Kryptomärkten für institutionelle Investoren, Sagt Kevin O’Leary

Kevin o’Leary, aber mr. Wunderbar, has revealed that a group of U.S. lawmakers is working on a policy to open crypto markets to institutional investors. “The good news is they are all over it and agree there is tremendous opportunity once

Die Sanktions-Slipping-Power von Crypto: Warum die Neutralität von Bitcoin sein größtes humanitäres Gut ist

Decentralized networks such as Bitcoins dont know national allegiance, they only know math. And when youre trying to get your savings out of an ATM, or send a payment to relatives in a war-torn environment, someone elses politics is the last