Russische Beamte unterstützen die Idee, Krypto-Miner als Unternehmer anzuerkennen

Russian Officials Back Idea to Recognize Crypto Miners as Entrepreneurs

Das Schürfen von Kryptowährungen sollte nach russischem Recht als unternehmerische Tätigkeit anerkannt und entsprechend besteuert werden, Vertreter wichtiger Ministerien in Moskau und im Parlament haben darauf hingewiesen. Beamte gehen davon aus, dass der Regulierungsschritt sowohl dem Staat als auch der Kryptoindustrie zugute kommen würde.

Russian Government to Collect Millions of Dollars in Taxes After Legalizing Crypto Mining

While the law “Über digitale Finanzanlagen” — which entered into force in January this yearregulates certain crypto-related activities such asdigital currency issuance,” it does not explicitly mention cryptocurrency mining. The sector remains unregulated, the Russian Ministry of Finance has recently acknowledged in comments to the local press. The industry has been expanding in Russia which is rich in energy resources and ranks among the worlds top destinations in terms of share of the global hashrate.

According to the Ministry of Economic Development, Izvestia wrote in an article, mining should be regulated precisely as an entrepreneurial activity as it fits in the legal definition provided in the Civil Code. It emphasized this would allow the government to tax minersrevenue and increase budget receipts. Alexey Minaev, deputy director of the ministrys Digital Economy Development Department, told the Russian daily:

This is exactly an area in which the state can benefit in the form of taxes, and people can legalize their income, big business is also becoming more and more interested in this.

Valery Petrov, vice president for market development and regulation at the Russian Association of Cryptoeconomics, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain (Racib), noted that miners rarely return the proceeds from minted cryptocurrency to Russia as they find it difficult to prove the funds have been obtained legally.

The annual revenues from the mining of bitcoin (BTC) alone have been estimated at $19.7 Milliarde, with Russia accounting for around 12% of the total amount, oder $2.4 Milliarde. Petrov claims the Russian Federation has lost millions of dollars in recent years due to the failure of the government to regulate and tax the business.

The idea of recognizing mining as an entrepreneurial activity has been backed by the Ministry of Energy, which thinks this would allow authorities to distinguish between electricity consumption for private and corporate use. The move has also won support in the State Duma, das Unterhaus des Parlaments, where the chairman of the important Financial Market Committee, Anatoly Aksakov, genannt for such a solution back in September.

While admitting that mining is not prohibited even now, the lawmaker pointed out that its taxation is not clear yet. Aksakov also suggested that its worth considering raising electricity tariffs for cryptocurrency miners as they currently buy power at regular rates. The deputy noted that most entities in the sector dont pay any taxes at the moment and added that large mining enterprises would like to be legalized.

True to its hardline stance on decentralized digital money, the Bank of Russia has stated that it does not support any initiatives that promote the emergence ofmonetary surrogates,” a term it often uses to describe cryptocurrencies. The central bank opposes their legalization in the country and maintains that the ruble is the only legal tender under Russian law. The Finance Ministry insists, jedoch, that the legal status of crypto mining should be determined as part of the rules pertaining to the circulation of digital currencies.

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