Inmitten der heißesten US-Inflation in 40 Jahre, Die Biden-Administration macht die Schifffahrtsindustrie für steigende Preise verantwortlich

During the last few months, inflation has risen significantly in the United States as it has climbed at its fastest pace since 1982. Data shows younger families with children have been struggling to make ends meet, while reports further indicate retirees

Strategie- und Weltraumspieler erhalten ihr eigenes Play-to-Earn-Metaverse voller cooler NFTs – DEEPSPACE (DPS) Alpha-Überprüfung

Space, the final frontier. The long and exciting journey through vast, dark, deep space with a fleet of your own. The release of the alpha version of the play-to-earn metaverse game DEEPSPACE (DPS) opens up a brand new chapter of the

Nettozuflüsse in den größten Gold-ETF-Anstieg inmitten fallender Aktien- und Kryptopreise

Net inflows into SPDR Gold Shares surged to a new record of $1.63 Milliarde, the highest since its listing in 2004. The surge of net inflows into one of the largest gold exchange-traded funds (ETFs) comes against a backdrop of falling

Goldman Sachs sieht die Metaverse als $8 Billionen Möglichkeiten

Global investment bank Goldman Sachs has predicted that the metaverse could be an $8 trillion opportunity. Several others have similarly predicted that the metaverse is a multitrillion-dollar market. Goldman Sachs Says the Metaverse Could Be an $8 Trillion Opportunity Global investment

Iran will „nationale Kryptowährung“ erproben,“ Erwägt Blockchain-Technologie für den Aktienmarkt

The Central Bank of Iran soon plans to launch the pilot phase of its digital currency project, an official unveiled. The Islamic Republic hopes to a join a growing club of nations that want to take advantage of having a sovereign

JPMorgan: Ethereum verliert aufgrund hoher Transaktionsgebühren gegenüber anderen Kryptos im NFT-Markt an Boden, Stau

JPMorgan has told its clients that ethereum is losing ground to rival cryptocurrencies, such as solana (SOL), in the non-fungible token (NFT) market due to sky-high transaction fees on the network. “It looks like, similar to defi apps, congestion and high

25% der US-Erwachsenen planen, in Krypto zu investieren, Umfrage zeigt

A U.S. consumer survey shows that 25% of respondents who currently do not own cryptocurrency plan to start investing in crypto. “2021 was a good year for crypto. Of the respondents that own crypto, more than half reported that they had

Rio de Janeiro zu investieren 1% seiner Schatzkammer in Kryptowährung

Rio de Janeiro, eine der größten Städte Brasiliens, wird einen Teil seiner Staatskasse in Kryptowährungen investieren. Das teilte der Bürgermeister von Rio mit, Eduardo Päs, während der Rio Innovation Week. The plan is to turn the city into

Solana erkennt offiziell Probleme mit „High Compute“-Transaktionen an, die das Netzwerk verstopfen

Solana, eine Top-Ten-Smart-Contracts-fähige Kryptowährung nach Marktkapitalisierung, hat eingeräumt, dass es mit einer Reihe von Problemen konfrontiert ist, die die Leistung seines Netzwerks beeinträchtigen. Das offizielle Konto des Status des Netzwerks, sowie die Statusseite, gemeldet…

US-Senator über Krypto: Wir brauchen echte Lösungen, damit das Finanzsystem für alle funktioniert, Nicht nur die Reichen

UNS. Senator Elizabeth Warren has argued that cryptocurrency is not a path to financial inclusion like crypto advocates claim. “Bitcoin ownership is even more concentrated within the top 1% than dollars,” she said, emphasizing the need forreal solutions to make