Onecoin-Opfer ersuchen Bulgarien um Beschlagnahme von Vermögenswerten und Entschädigungen

A lawyer representing investors defrauded by the notorious crypto scam Onecoin has urged authorities in Bulgaria to act on the case, claiming that theworlds largest pyramid schemeis still operating from the country. In a petition with the Bulgarian Constitutional

Millionen in Finanzierungsrunde zum Aufbau von DEX im Bitcoin-Netzwerk 1980

While gold is generally perceived to be the best hedge against inflation, a report written by author Kelsey Williams has now questioned this longstanding assertion. In the report, Williams argues that the current gold price of around $1,810 per ounce is

BNY Mellon fordert Irland nachdrücklich auf, Kryptoregeln vor EU-Verordnungen einzuführen, Enthüllungen melden

As authorities in the EU are still discussing union-wide cryptocurrency regulations, a major U.S. bank has reportedly lobbied the Irish government to adopt its own rules for the space. BNY Mellon launched its digital asset business in Ireland this year to

Russisches Parlament erwägt Beschränkungen für nicht qualifizierte Krypto-Investoren

Kryptowährungen können für manche ziemlich kompliziert sein und der Gesetzgeber in Russland ist der Meinung, dass er Beschränkungen für Privatanleger in Betracht ziehen muss. Laut einem hochrangigen Vertreter des Gesetzgebers, das russische Parlament muss ihnen diese zur Verfügung stellen “maximaler Schutz” against the risks….

SEC-Vorsitzender Gary Gensler: Kein Plan, Krypto zu verbieten, Es liegt am Kongress

SEC Chairman Gary Gensler says that the SEC has no plan to ban cryptocurrencies as China has done. He noted that it would be up to Congress to make such a decision. Recently, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell similarly said that

Zentralbank von Uruguay beschreibt Fahrplan für die Regulierung von Krypto-Assets

The Central Bank of Uruguay has issued a statement describing a roadmap for the regulation of cryptocurrency assets in the near future. The institution stated it has established a group to examine the best way possible to regulate these assets, considering

SEC-Vorsitzender Gary Gensler sagt, dass Crypto „nicht gut enden wird“, wenn es außerhalb der Vorschriften bleibt

The chairman of the U.S. Wertpapier- und Börsenkommission (SEK), Gary Gensler, says that cryptocurrencyis not going to end well if it stays outside the regulatory space.The SEC has been criticized for taking an enforcement-centric approach to regulating the

Krypto-Investor verklagt Apple wegen bösartiger App, die Kryptowährungen gestohlen hat

A crypto investor has filed a class-action lawsuit against Apple Inc. after she downloaded a malicious application from the companys App Store that led to the theft of her cryptocurrencies. Apple Sued Over Theft of Cryptocurrency Due to Malicious App Hadona

FSC-Regulierungsüberholung wird voraussichtlich geschlossen 40 Kryptobörsen in Südkorea

A new regulatory overhaul could put 40 aus 60 exchanges out of business in South Korea after the firms are expected to fail to meet the conditions that are being proposed by the Financial Services Commission (FSC). This action might