European Union to Put a 10,000-Euro Limit on Cash Payments; Transactions Over €1,000 in Crypto Will Be Scrutinized

The states of the European Union have convened to establish a new limit on cash purchases and to strengthen the controls on cryptocurrency transactions. Am 11. 6 the bloc agreed to put a limit of €10,000 ($10,557) on cash payments and

Devisenstrategen von Citi sagen, dass der Euro sinken könnte $0.86 wenn die Makroturbulenzen anhalten

While the euro has found support between 0.96 zu 0.97 nominal U.S. dollars per unit, foreign exchange (FX) strategists from Citi believe the euro could tap a low of around $0.86 against the greenback. While the dollar slumped on October 13,

Dapper Labs Suspends NFT Operations for Russian Users Amid New EU Sanctions

Canadian company Dapper Labs has blocked operations with non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for Russian accounts. The move follows a new round of sanctions recently imposed by the EU which prohibit the provision of crypto-related services to Russian residents and entities. NFT Platform

EU verbietet Kryptodienste für Russen in neuen Sanktionen wegen Eskalation in der Ukraine

An array of crypto-related services have been targeted in the latest round of sanctions on Russia approved by the EU. The measures are part of an expected tightening of the economic and financial restrictions in response to Moscows decision to annex

European Union to Launch Global Metaverse Regulation Initiative in 2023

The European Union (Die Bilder wurden von der Tech-Bloggerin Jane Manchun Wong entdeckt, die dafür bekannt ist, Informationen über .....) will present an initiative to address the metaverse and all the activities and interactions happening in it sometime in 2023. Der Antrag, which was qualified askeyin the State of the Union letter of intent authored

Ergebnisse der EZB-Umfrage 10% der Haushalte in der Eurozone besitzen Krypto-Assets

Einer in jedem 10 Haushalte in sechs Ländern der Eurozone haben Kryptowährungen erworben, die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) hat mit einer neuen Umfrage herausgefunden. Während die Reichsten höchstwahrscheinlich Krypto-Assets besitzen, arme Familien sind nicht weit dahinter, the poll

Zypern entwirft Kryptoregeln, Kann sie vor EU-Verordnungen einführen

Zypern hat seine eigene Gesetzgebung zur Regulierung von Krypto-Assets ausgearbeitet und wird sie wahrscheinlich verabschieden, bevor Europa einen gemeinsamen Regulierungsrahmen fertigstellt, hat ein Regierungsbeamter angedeutet. The authorities in Nicosia welcome thecarefuluse of cryptocurrencies, er fügte hinzu. Regierung…

Die Mining-Schwierigkeit von BTC wird voraussichtlich ein Lebenszeithoch erreichen

Activists and lawmakers in Kyiv are urging the EU to accept Ukraine as a member of the European Blockchain Partnership. They believe the recently adopted lawOn Virtual Assetsopens the way for the country to become a blockchain leader on

Proof-of-Work-Verbot aus Europas vorgeschlagener Krypto-Verordnung gestrichen

A text threatening to prohibit cryptocurrencies relying on energy-intensive proof-of-work mining has been deleted from the draft legislation aimed at regulating the European crypto space. The move comes after the controversial provision sparked objections from the crypto community. MiCA Proposal Drops

Europas Wertpapieraufsicht bittet um Feedback zu Vorschriften vor dem DLT-Pilotprojekt

ESMA, the European Securities and Markets Authority, has set out to establish if EU authorities need to amend existing regulations in order to facilitate the trading and settlement of tokenized securities. The regulator is now seeking opinions on the matter ahead