International Chess Federation wird den globalen NFT-Marktplatz des Sports im Everscale Network einführen (Ex-FreeTON)

FIDE, the International Chess Federation, has become the first global sports federation to launch its own NFT marketplace. It announced a partnership with core developers of the Everscale Network (ex-FreeTON), TON Labs, to launch ChessNFT.coma new chess non-fungible token

Millionen in Finanzierungsrunde zum Aufbau von DEX im Bitcoin-Netzwerk $3 Millionen in Finanzierungsrunde zum Aufbau von DEX im Bitcoin-Netzwerk

Im November 8, 2021, the cryptocurrency economys market capitalization reached the $3 trillion mark after gathering significant value over the course of 12 Jahre. The overall value of the 10,464 crypto-assets in existence is now larger than Microsofts market valuation at

Krypto-Netzwerk-Hashraten erholen sich vom Sommereinbruch – Ethereums Hashrate erreicht Allzeithoch

Im November 2, 2021, the Ethereum networks global hashrate tapped an all-time high (ATH) bei 873 Terahash pro Sekunde (TH/s) or close to 1 Petasch. Alongside Ethereums ATH, a myriad of hashrates have returned back to the highs the networks once

Der salvadorianische Präsident Nayib Bukele verspottet den Ökonomen Steve Hanke, nachdem der Preis von Bitcoin in die Höhe geschossen ist

Im Oktober 15, the day bitcoins price surpassed the $60K per unit handle, Salvadoran president Nayib Bukele taunted the professor of applied economics at Johns Hopkins University, Steve Hanke, over his recent statements. Damals, the well known economist warned

Große Krypto-Börsen haben die Verbindungen zu chinesischen Benutzern nach Chinas jüngstem Vorgehen gegen Kryptowährung abgebrochen

Major cryptocurrency exchanges are cutting ties with users in China following the latest crypto crackdown announcement by the Chinese government. Huobi has stopped letting new users in China sign up for its services while Binance has blocked account registrations using Chinese

AMC Theatres untersucht die Akzeptanz von Dogecoin: CEO von DOGE-Umfrageergebnissen fasziniert

AMC Theatres chain is exploring how to accept dogecoin alongside four other cryptocurrencies. AMC’s CEO conducted a poll on Twitter and was overwhelmed by the results and enthusiasm of the dogecoin community. “Es’s clear that you think AMC should accept dogecoin….

Vitalik Buterin unter Zeit 100 Die einflussreichsten Menschen von 2021

Vitalik Buterin, a co-founder of Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap, has made Time magazines list of the 100 most influential people of 2021. The programmer was listed as an innovator, and Time valued his ability to empower other creators

Studie zeigt Wachstum der kettenübergreifenden Brückentechnologie, Brücken zu Ethereum Exceed $7 Milliarde

Im September 8, 2021, Dmitriy Berenzon, research partner at 1kxnetwork, an early-stage crypto fund that helps founders bootstrap token networks, published a comprehensive research post concerning blockchain bridges. Berenzons study highlights the currentmulti-chain market structureand bridges that are making

Cardano wendet erfolgreich Alonzo Hard Fork an; Fügt seiner Blockchain intelligente Vertragsfunktionen hinzu

Cardano, the third cryptocurrency ranked by market cap, has successfully applied theAlonzohard fork, adding smart contract capabilities to its functionality. The update, that had been deployed in testnet days ago, finally was incorporated in mainnet yesterday. Cardano is now