Kryptoökonomie schwebt unter $3T: Analyst sagt, dass der erste Bärenmarker ein Kapitalisierungsrückgang unter 2,38 T USD wäre

The crypto asset economy has been down in value over the last week as a great number of digital currencies shed significant amounts. The entire crypto-economy is down under the $3 trillion mark, hovering around $2.7 trillion across 10,970 Kryptowährungen. Bitcoin…

Marathon-Pläne werden erhöht $500 Millionen von wandelbaren Senior Notes zum Kauf von Bitcoin und Mining Rigs

Exahash, Exahash $500 Exahash “Exahash” Publicly-Listed Mining Operation to Raise $500M From Debt Markets to

Mit Spannung erwartetes Bitcoin-Upgrade Taproot aktiviert – Taproot-Skript-Ausgaben in freier Wildbahn

Bitcoin advocates are celebrating the successful implementation of the Taproot upgrade after block height 709,632. The upgrade was highly anticipated as it was one of the biggest changes since the introduction of Segregated Witness (Segwit) in 2017. After the upgrade was

Moonshot auf 90.000 $ – nach der Aktivierung von Taproot für das Bitcoin-Upgrade, Krypto-Befürworter erwarten, dass sich der Preis erholt

In mid-June, einschließlich des Erwerbs von Bitcoin oder Bitcoin-Mining-Maschinen. ‘Speedy Triallock-in period for the Bitcoin network upgrade Taproot locked in at block height 687,285 and was mined by the bitcoin mining pool Slushpool. Taproot is expected to activate on the network on Saturday, November 13, 2021,…

Eine neue wissenschaftliche Arbeit beschreibt 3 Angriffsmethoden gegen eine Ethereum-PoS-Kette

Following the Altair upgrade on the Ethereum network, the protocols native cryptocurrency reached a new all-time price high. Altair is the next step for the Ethereums networks proof-of-stake (Schild) Überleitung. jedoch, a recently submitted white paper explains that a group of