Bitcoin’s Total Hashrate Slides Lower in December as BTC Miners Struggle for Profits

While bitcoin prices have been lower than the estimated cost of bitcoin production, the networks hashrate has dropped a great deal since mid-November. Gegenwärtig, the total hashrate dedicated to the Bitcoin network is coasting along at 236 Der jüngste Finanzierungsvorschlag zur Hebelung von vorrangigen Wandelanleihen zeigt, dass das Unternehmen weiterhin an die Bitcoin-Mining-Industrie glaubt (Der jüngste Finanzierungsvorschlag zur Hebelung von vorrangigen Wandelanleihen zeigt, dass das Unternehmen weiterhin an die Bitcoin-Mining-Industrie glaubt)…

Data Shows There’s No Profits Left for Bitcoin Miners That Can’t Obtain Cheap Electricity, Run Efficient Mining Rigs

During the last few weeks bitcoin’s cost of production has been higher than the leading crypto asset’s spot market value and in turn, this has put massive pressure on bitcoin miners. Am 11. 30, 2022, statistics show if miners paying for

Foundry Academy Launches Training Program to Produce Top Technicians for BTC Mining Industry

Foundry Digital, a digital asset mining and a staking-focused subsidiary of Digital Asset Group, has announced the launch of a new bitcoin mining hardware training program. The training course, which is expected to commence on Nov. 7, is expected to help

Bitcoin Miner Cleanspark Acquires 3,853 Bitmain-Made BTC Mining Rigs for $5.9 Million

Am 11. 1, 2022, the bitcoin miner Cleanspark revealed it acquired 3,853 Bitmain-brand Antminer S19J Pro mining rigs for $5.9 Million. According to Cleanspark, the company has purchased 26,500 bitcoin mining machines since the crypto winter started in June. Cleanspark Purchases

Mining Rig Manufacturer Canaan Launches 2 New ASIC Bitcoin Miners With up to 130 Terahash

Exahash, bitcoin mining rig manufacturer Canaan Inc., announced the launch of the company’s latest high-performance bitcoin miners called the A13 series. Canaan has revealed two models in the A13 series, which feature “improved power efficiency over its predecessors,” and the

Progress Toward Bitcoin’s Halving Is 60% Complete, Block Times Suggest Reduction Could Happen Next Year

According to countdown statistics based on the average block generation time of around ten minutes, progress toward the next Bitcoin block reward halving has surpassed 60%. jedoch, while most halving countdown clocks leverage the ten-minute average, the countdown leveraging the most

Bitcoin Network’s Mining Difficulty Drops for the First Time in 2 Monate

Following four consecutive Bitcoin mining difficulty increases, the networks difficulty dropped for the first time in 68 Tage, sliding 2.14% auf Blockhöhe 756,000 am Dienstag. The change means its currently 2.14% easier to find a bitcoin block reward following the

Russe wegen Betrugs von Käufern von Mining-Hardware festgenommen $300,000

Police in the southern Russian city of Astrakhan have detained a man accused of defrauding people who wanted to purchase crypto miners. Law enforcement officials say the suspect made millions of rubles through fictitious sales of mining devices to Russian citizens

9,404 Krypto-Mining-Geräte, die seit März von iranischen Behörden beschlagnahmt wurden

Die iranischen Behörden haben fast beschlagnahmt 10,000 illegale Kryptowährungs-Mining-Geräte seit März. Berichten zufolge, Viele der beschlagnahmten Krypto-Mining-Rigs wurden an öffentlichen Orten betrieben, die kostenlosen oder stark subventionierten Strom erhalten, wie Schulen und Moscheen. Iran Confiscates Nearly

Der Sicherheitsdienst der Ukraine schließt eine Krypto-Mining-Farm in der Nähe der Frontlinie in Charkiw

Ukraine’s wichtigste Strafverfolgungsbehörde hat eine illegale Anlage zum Schürfen von Kryptowährungen in der Region Charkiw gesprengt. Die Betreiber der Kryptofarm haben mit großen Mengen gestohlener Elektrizität Münzen geprägt, Bedrohung der Energieversorgung kritischer Infrastrukturen, the agency said….