Defi Kingdoms erreicht Rekordaktivitätslevel zusätzlich zu Metaverse Push

Defi Königreiche, ein metaverse-basiertes Blockchain-Spiel, erlebt einen Anstieg der Aktivität aufgrund des Schubs, den Metaverse-Projekte jetzt auf dem Markt haben. Laut Dappradar, die Aktivität im Spiel ist deutlich gestiegen. This is also accompanied by

Rentner der National Oil Company erhalten 2 Petros als Geschenk in Venezuela

The pensioners of the state-owned oil company of Venezuela, PDVSA, have started receiving a Christmas bonus in petros (PTR), the first national cryptocurrency launched back in 2018. The petro, which is backed by Venezuelan oil and other resources, can be traded

Millionen von NFT-Sammlungen, die beschuldigt werden, Kunst ohne Erlaubnis zu verwenden, drohen mit rechtlichen Schritten

PRESSEMITTEILUNG. Amsterdam, die Niederlande, 29th of November, 2021: TabTrader is excited to announce the launch of our own token (TTT) on Solanium and AcceleRaytor on December 1 🚀, aspiring to be theultimate trading terminal’; we are now on the

Reisende können in Venezuela Flugtickets mit Crypto kaufen

Travelers will be able to purchase airline tickets in Venezuela using cryptocurrencies in the near future. According to statements made by Freddy Borges, Director of the Maiquetía International Airport, the institution would be working to include cryptocurrencies such as dash, Bitcoin,…

Vitalik Buterin unter Zeit 100 Die einflussreichsten Menschen von 2021

Vitalik Buterin, a co-founder of Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap, has made Time magazines list of the 100 most influential people of 2021. The programmer was listed as an innovator, and Time valued his ability to empower other creators