Bividend: Nasdaq-notiertes Unternehmen zahlt Dividenden in Bitcoin nach Wahl der Aktionäre

A Nasdaq-listed company has announced that shareholders can receive dividends in bitcoin. The company claims to be the first one to pay dividends in the cryptocurrency. ‘First-Ever Dividend Payable in Bitcoin by a Nasdaq-Listed CompanyBlockchain company BTCS Inc. (Exahash: BTCS)…

Der südkoreanische Gesetzgeber sagt, er werde ab dem neuen Jahr Krypto-Spenden annehmen

Lee Kwang-jae, a South Korean lawmaker, recently stated that he will be accepting cryptocurrency donations starting mid-January 2022. According to the politician, this plan represents his attempt to raise awareness about cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens among South Koreans. Donations to Be

US-Senator über Krypto: Wir brauchen echte Lösungen, damit das Finanzsystem für alle funktioniert, Nicht nur die Reichen

UNS. Senator Elizabeth Warren has argued that cryptocurrency is not a path to financial inclusion like crypto advocates claim. “Bitcoin ownership is even more concentrated within the top 1% than dollars,” she said, emphasizing the need forreal solutions to make

S&P Global Ratings Study prognostiziert, dass Krypto und dezentrale Finanzen weiter wachsen werden 2022.

S&P Global, an intelligence and data company, suggests that crypto and decentralized finance trends will continue to gather steam in 2022. In its latest report, the company examines the current state of the market and notes that, while there are still

Ukrainer boten neue Kryptodienste an, Bitcoin-Karten

Along with the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies, Ukrainians are enjoying an expanding range of related services and products. Besides new options to buy and trade coins, crypto users in the country will be offered two cards that will allow them to

Gouverneur der tansanischen Zentralbank: Kryptowährungen nicht verboten, Trader sollten auf eigenes Risiko investieren

The Tanzanian central bank governor recently revealed that cryptocurrencies are not outlawed in the country but warned those dabbling in crypto-related investments that they do so at their own risk. Central Bank Open to Ideas The governor of the Bank of

Das erste seiner Art Metachain-Projekt, ShuttleOne tritt dem Tezos-Protokoll bei

PRESSEMITTEILUNG. ShuttleOne, the latest project to embrace Tezos, to soon drive adoption and liquidity while resolving blockchain fragmentation. Singapur: Tezos, the highly scalable, self-amending proof of stake blockchain protocol is opening its arms to ShuttleOnea one of its

Ascendex gehackt – Börsenverluste $77 Millionen in ERC20, BSC, Polygon-Token

Ascendex, a cryptocurrency exchange, suffered a security breach that allowed hackers to take control of some of the wallets of the exchange. The attack focused on hot wallets, where funds are kept as a buffer to tend to customerswithdrawals. Der…

GoCrypto enthüllt ein Protokoll, das digitale Zahlungen revolutioniert

PRESSEMITTEILUNG. LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA: The GoCrypto project always strives to bring crypto payments into the mainstream. The upgraded solution dubbed GoCrypto 2.0 enables true decentralized payments where the merchant can accept virtually any currency and receive the settlement in its desired

Bitcoin-Waltransfers in Monstergröße: Blockchain-Parser fängt erhebliche Mengen an „kalten BTC“ ab, die an aktive Börsen verschoben wurden

Two days ago on November 30, der Preis von Bitcoin (BTC) tapped a high that day reaching $59,250 pro Einheit, but it has since dropped close to 5% in value to just above the $56K region. Onchain statistics indicate that whales