Fast 70,000 Herausgegebene Binance-Flüchtlings-Kryptokarte für Ukrainer

Thousands of Ukrainians have ordered a crypto card issued by the worlds leading digital asset exchange, Binance, für seine Nutzer aus dem kriegszerrütteten Land. The card allows people displaced by the ongoing conflict with Russia to make payments and receive financial

Bank of Russia will Krypto-Investitionen durch Sperren von Kartenzahlungen einschränken, Enthüllungen melden

The Central Bank of Russia is currently reviewing various ways to prevent Russians from investing in cryptocurrency. One the options on the table is to block card payments to certain recipients such as crypto exchanges, a media report has unveiled. EIN…

Ukrainer boten neue Kryptodienste an, Bitcoin-Karten

Along with the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies, Ukrainians are enjoying an expanding range of related services and products. Besides new options to buy and trade coins, crypto users in the country will be offered two cards that will allow them to