Die Sandbox-Scores $93 Millioneninvestition, angeführt von Softbank, während Metaverse-Token gedeihen

Die Sandkiste, a blockchain-based metaverse game, has scored an investment of $93 million to keep expanding its metaverse proposal. The funding round was led by Softbanks Vision Fund 2, an investment vehicle that puts funds on early tech-based companies. Other investors

Gaming-Riese Ubisoft erwähnt Blockchain im jüngsten Ergebnisbericht

Ubisoft, one of the biggest gaming companies in the entertainment world, mentioned blockchain as one of the key points of focus for the future of the brand. The company said it is exploring blockchain as an innovative technology to be included

Bitcoin-Mining-Operation Genesis Digital Assets kündigt neues Rechenzentrum in West-Texas an

Following a number of ASIC mining rig acquisitions from the manufacturer Canaan, the bitcoin mining operation Genesis Digital Assets announced on Monday that the firm is developing an industrial-scale bitcoin mining data center in West Texas. Laut Ankündigung, Genesis

Defi verliert den Überblick über seine Kernvision, da es allmählich der Idee ähnelt, die es zu ändern anstrebte

As defi continues to expand, it risks embracing the very ideology it initially sought to reject as the primary beneficiaries of this new financing paradigm are those who already own digital assets. Replacing Intermediaries Doesnt Directly Improve Finance When it comes

Cryptoeats verschwindet, nachdem £ 500.000 aus dem Token-Verkauf gesammelt wurden

Kryptofresser, ein Unternehmen, das angeblich angehoben hat 8 Millionen in einer Finanzierungsrunde der Serie A zum Aufbau einer kryptobasierten Ubereats-Alternative, verschwand nach dem Start seines Tokens. Nach Schätzungen, das Startup könnte mehr als gedauert haben £500K from investors after the launch

Consensys strebt an $3 Milliardenbewertung in der kommenden Finanzierungsrunde

Consensys, die auf Ethereum basierende Software-Boutique, strebt eine Bewertung an, die erreichen könnte $3 Milliarden Dollar in der bevorstehenden Finanzierungsrunde. The company would be taking advantage of the bullish climate the industry is experiencing right now to achieve this

Start-up-Raises $2 Million als Pionier der Nutzung von Kryptowährungen im frankophonen Afrika

A Cameroonian fintech start-up, Ejara, Kategorie $2 million to pioneer the usage of crypto and investment services in French-speaking African countries. Coinshares Ventures and Anthemis Group led the funding round in which they were joined by Mercy Corps Ventures, Lateral

Bitwage-Raises $1.5 Millionen in der letzten Finanzierungsrunde

Bitwage, the pioneer cryptocurrency-based payroll and invoicing company, Kategorie $1.5 million in its latest funding round. The funding round had participation from Draper Associates and Max Keisers Heisenberg Capital, using Bnktothefuture, a platform designed for making online investments. Bitwage will

Cardano zu investieren $100 Millionen zur Finanzierung dezentraler Finanzprojekte

Emurgo, the financial arm of leading cryptocurrency project Cardano, has announced it will invest $100 million in the development of decentralized finance-based products for the ecosystem. The company will spin two subsidiaries for this task, with one being fully dedicated to

SEC-Vorsitzender Gary Gensler sagt, dass Crypto „nicht gut enden wird“, wenn es außerhalb der Vorschriften bleibt

The chairman of the U.S. Wertpapier- und Börsenkommission (SEK), Gary Gensler, says that cryptocurrencyis not going to end well if it stays outside the regulatory space.The SEC has been criticized for taking an enforcement-centric approach to regulating the