Bitwise CIO sagt, dass $ 100.000 Bitcoin eine schwierige Vorhersage ist, Nennt Ethereum als „Asset des Jahres“

Bitwise CIO sagt, dass $ 100.000 Bitcoin eine schwierige Vorhersage ist, Calls Ethereum the 'Asset of the Year'

Während dort’Es gab eine Menge Aufrufe für Bitcoin, einen sechsstelligen Wert zu erreichen 2021, wenn das Jahresende näher rückt, tut es nicht’Es sieht nicht so aus, als würden 100.000 US-Dollar pro Bitcoin passieren. Bitweise Vermögensverwaltung’s chief investment officer Matt Hougan told the press on Monday that “$100,000 by the end of the year is a difficult prediction to make.


$100K Bitcoin Prices May Be Unattainable in 2021 Bitwise Exec Says Next YearInvestors Are Going to Be Looking at Ethereum

For a good portion of the year, many bitcoin advocates, Experten, luminaries, and analysts predicted that bitcoin (BTC) would surely hit the $100K per unit range in 2021. Einer der most popular forecasts belongs to Plan B, the creator of the stock-to-flow (S2F) Bitcoin Preismodell. Plan B sagte based on the pseudonymous analyst’S “worst case scenario for 2021 (preis-/on-chain-basiert)” would be “Aug>47K, Sep>43K, Okt>63K, November>98K, Dez>135K.

jedoch, November’s price call missed and the $135K prediction looks like it will miss as well. Bitcoin would have to double in value over the next 24 days gathering a touch over 96% during that time. Plan B is not the only one that has predicted BTC could hit six-digits in USD value by the years end. The financial institution Standard Chartered predicted at the beginning of September that bitcoins value could reach $100K by the end of the year.

Yahoo Finance contributor, Javier David, sagte im Oktober 21, thatsuddenly, a bitcoin move to $100K doesnt seem so farfetched.In fact theres a great number of analysts that have said that at some point in the future, bitcoin prices will touch the six-digit zone or $100,000 or more per unit. Speaking with Bloombergs Emily Chang, Bitweise Vermögensverwaltung’s CIO Matt Hougan explains that bitcoin hitting $100K will be difficult in 2021. Hougan further explained that ethereum (ETH) was theasset of the year” in 2021.

I think as we look into 2022, we still have these fundamental drivers, the institutions we speak to every day at Bitwise,” Hougan explained. “$100,000 by the end of the year is a difficult prediction to make — Ich finde $100,000 could be in target in 2022 but this year, ich’m not so sure,” Hougan remarked.

Hougan Predicts anExplosion of Activity Built on Ethereum

As far as the second-largest crypto asset by market capitalization, Äther (ETH), Hougan thinks 2021 was the digital currencys year. While noting to Bloombergs Chang that ethereum was theasset of the year,” Hougan also stressed that there will be anexplosion of activity built on Ethereumnext year. But investors will be looking at other smart contract blockchain networks as well, the Bitwise CIO said. Hougan added:

Investors are going to be looking at Ethereum, Solana, or Polygon. Investors are starting to realize theres more to crypto than just Bitcoin. If theres one bigger story for next year, es’s going to be everything else: crypto as defi, NFTs, Web3, or metaverse.

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