Ökonom Peter Schiff warnt vor einem Neuen, Kommende Weltwirtschaftskrise, Kritisiert irreführende Inflationszahlen

Peter Schiff, Bestsellerautor und Chefökonom von Europac, hat vor dem Beginn einer neuen großen Depression in Amerika gewarnt. In einem Interview, Schiff gab den offiziellen Verbraucherpreisindex an (VPI) Zahlen sollten die Öffentlichkeit in die Irre führen…

Don’t Forget the Importance of Censorship Resistance

Since people are once again talking about self-custody as one of cryptos unique strengths, I would like to remind everyone about an equally important fundamental value proposition of crypto that, in the early days, was touted as the killer feature. ich’m

WEMIX Delisting: South Korean Crypto Exchange Upbit Accused of Instigating Token Removal

According to the CEO of Wemade, Henry Chang, the South Korean cryptocurrency exchange Upbit was the brains behind the Digital Asset Exchange Joint Consultative Body (DAXA)’s decision to delist WEMIX. The Wemade CEO accused Upbit of applying different standards and of

Bitcoin Core’s Version 24.0 Full-RBF Proposal Sparks Controversy, Synonym CEO Calls ‘Pet Agenda’ an ‘Attack’

In den letzten Wochen, a number of individuals have been discussing the upcoming release of Bitcoin Core version 24.0 and how the codebase will include full-replace-by-fee (RBF) logic. The discussion has become controversial as a few Lightning Network and zero

Mad Money’s Jim Cramer Apologizes for Being Wrong About Facebook Parent Meta After Stock Plunges

Der Gastgeber von Mad Money, Jim Cramer, has apologized to investors for being wrong about Facebook parent Meta Platforms after its stock plunged to a record low. “I made a mistake here. I was wrong,” he said emotionally after stating previously

McKinsey: Die Metaverse könnte generiert werden $5 Billionen vorbei 2030 — „Einfach zu groß, um ignoriert zu werden“

Globales Beratungsunternehmen McKinsey & Das Unternehmen hat prognostiziert, dass das Metaverse bis zu generieren kann $5 Billionen um 2030. Zusätzlich, mehr als 80% des Handels könnten durch Aktivitäten im Metaversum beeinflusst werden. Metaverse könnte generiert werden $5 Trillion by 2030

Finanzministerin Yellen sagt, die Krypto-Regulierung sollte verantwortungsvolle Innovation unterstützen, Risiken verwalten

Treasury Secretary Yellen says the regulatory frameworks for crypto assets in the U.S. sollen “support responsible innovation while managing risks.She emphasized, “Regulation should be based on risks and activities, not specific technologies.Treasury Secretary Yellen on Crypto Regulation U.S. Schatzkammer…

Die Ukraine verwendet gespendete Kryptos, um Militärgüter zu bezahlen – so die Regierung $50 Million in Krypto in einer Woche gesammelt

The Ukrainian government announces that $50 million in cryptocurrency was raised within a week since Russia began its invasion of Ukraine. The government has so far spent $15 million in donated cryptocurrency to buy military supplies. Ukraine Government Spends $15 Million…