Rollkit Developers Leverage Bitcoin for Sovereign Rollups, Sparking Criticism from Ethereum Proponents

The Rollkit development team has announced that Bitcoin has been integrated as a means for sovereign rollups to store and retrieve data. The developers have stated that it is now possible to run the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) on Bitcoin as

Blockchain Game Splinterlands Reveals Gamefi Platform Sold 10 Million Packs of Chaos Legion Series Cards

Am Mittwoch, the team behind the blockchain game Splinterlands announced that it reached a new milestone after the project sold more than 10 million packs from the fantasy-themed battle games Chaos Legion series of cards. The achievement follows the projects recent

Schweden braucht Strom für nützlichere Dinge als Bitcoin-Mining, Das sagt Energieminister

Besorgt über den prognostizierten Anstieg der Stromnachfrage, Die Regierung in Schweden könnte dem Krypto-Mining den Rücken kehren, das Land’s Energieminister hat angezeigt. Schwedische Bitcoin-Mining-Industrie, führend in Europa, is likely to soon lose the preferential treatment it

Jack Dorsey’s Payments Company baut offiziell ein offenes Bitcoin-Mining-System auf

In mid-October 2021, Twitter founder Jack Dorsey revealed the payments firm Block Inc. (formally Square) was considering joining the bitcoin mining industry. Three months later, Dorsey tweeted that his firm wasofficially building an open bitcoin mining system.” Der Block’s Hardware

Ethereum-Mitbegründer Vitalik Buterin veröffentlicht „Plausible Roadmap“ zur Skalierbarkeit

In recent times the Ethereum network has received a lot of criticism about the protocols data transfer fees and scalability. In a blog post calledEndgame,” published on December 6, the co-founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin discussed plans to improve scaling,…


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