ECB-undersøgelsesfund 10% af husholdninger i eurozonen ejer kryptoaktiver

En i hver 10 husholdninger i seks eurolande har anskaffet sig kryptovalutaer, den europæiske centralbank (World Cup har fundet med en ny undersøgelse. Mens de rigeste sandsynligvis ejer kryptoaktiver, fattige familier er ikke langt bagefter, the poll

Bliv rigtig, Lagarde — Det underliggende aktiv 'garanterer' din euro-svindelmønt er en pistol

With the approaching tsunami of central bank digital currencies (CBDC'er) looming ever closer, it shouldnt come as a surprise when central banks shill their coins at the expense of sounder assets. For nylig, European Central Bank president Christine Lagarde went so far

Krypto-minefarm afsløret i Ruslands ældste fængsel

Russian law enforcement officials are investigating a crypto mining operation at Butyrka, Rusland’s oldest prison. A deputy warden has been accused of stealing electricity to mint digital coins with the help of unidentified accomplices. Deputy Warden Suspected of Mining Cryptocurrency in

Lovforslag om NFT'er indsendt til det russiske parlament

Lawmakers have filed a bill with the State Duma aimed at introducing the term NFTs to Russian legislation. The authors of the draft say the rights of those who own non-fungible tokens need to be protected as Russians are currently dealing

Cypern udarbejder kryptoregler, Kan introducere dem før EU-forordninger

Cypern har udarbejdet sin egen lovgivning til at regulere kryptoaktiver og vil sandsynligvis vedtage den, før Europa færdiggør en fælles lovgivningsramme, har en embedsmand oplyst. Myndighederne i Nicosia hilser det velkommen “forsigtig” brug af kryptovalutaer, han tilføjede. Regering…

Robinhood lancerer ny ikke-forvarende Web3 Crypto Wallet

Handelsplatform Robinhood lancerer en ikke-depot, web3 cryptocurrency tegnebog. “Kunder vil være i stand til at holde nøglerne til deres egen krypto,” sagde virksomheden. Robinhood-bygning uden frihedsberøvelse, Web3 Wallet Populær handelsplatform Robinhood meddelte tirsdag, at det er “building a

Topvideospilkunstnere vedtager NFT'er for at hjælpe Ukraine, Samling til udgivelse på officielt MetaHistory Museum

Since the outbroke of the Russian-Ukrainian war, many celebrities, social activities, and visual artists joined the league of supporting Ukraine by cryptocurrency and NFT artworks. And the trend just doesnt stop. Nu, a group of top-notch artists bring the support and

Antallet af ødelagte ulovlige kryptominefarme i Iran nærmer sig 7,000

Authorities in Iran have shut down close to 7,000 unauthorized facilities for cryptocurrency mining in the past two years, det afslørede lokale medier. According to a report, most of the illegal bitcoin farms were concentrated in five provinces of the Islamic Republic,…

Foreslået forbud mod kryptominedrift i Norge får ikke støtte i parlamentet

A push to prohibit the energy-intensive proof-of-work mining of cryptocurrencies in Norway has been rejected by the majority of lawmakers. The ban had been suggested by the far-left Red Party which also didnt win backing to raise an electricity tax for

Russisk Crypto Mining Giant Bitriver overvejer at udfordre amerikanske sanktioner

Rusland’s Bitriver, one of the largest operators of crypto mining data centers, may take legal action against the U.S. over the decision to place it under sanctions. The company insists it does not help the Russian government to circumvent international restrictions….