DOJ sælger kryptovaluta beslaglagt fra Bitconnect Worth $56 Million

USA. Justitsministeriet (DOJ) is selling cryptocurrency worth $56 million that was seized from thenumber one promoterof Bitconnect, the largest crypto fraud scheme ever charged criminally. Investors were fraudulently induced to invest over $2 milliard. The Bitconnect

'Bitcoin er nul værd' - kenyansk kommunikationsstrateg advarer afrikanske investorer om at være på vagt

A Kenyan communications strategist, Mwotia Ciugu, has told African investors to be wary of investing in bitcoin which he claims is worth zero. Bitcoin Structurally Incapable of Delivering on Its Promise In an op-ed published by The Elephant, Ciugu insists bitcoin

Central Bank of Brazil rapporterer, at brasilianere har købt mere end $4 Milliarder i kryptovaluta i år

Brazilians have brought over $4 billion of cryptocurrencies to the country, according to numbers from the Central Bank of Brazil. The commercial asset balance report presented shows that Brazilians have consistently acquired over $350 million dollars of cryptocurrencies each month since

Moskva planlægger ikke at forbyde russere at købe krypto i udlandet

Rusland vil ikke følge Kina’s kursus og planlægger ikke at forbyde sine borgere at købe kryptokurrency på udenlandske børser, har en højtstående embedsmand oplyst. Russians will not be able to pay with digital coins in their own

Russisk domstol bekræfter arrestordrer for 3 Finikos grundlæggere

Tatarstans highest court has rejected appeals against arrest warrants issued for three co-founders of the notorious Finiko crypto pyramid. The top representatives of the Ponzi scheme, accused of large-scale fraud in Russia, are still hiding abroad, media reports reveal. Three

US SEC udsteder advarsel om kryptoinvesteringssvindel med henvisning til 'Nogle investorer kan have FOMO'

USA. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) har udsendt en advarsel om svigagtige investeringsordninger, der involverer kryptokurver. Tilsynsmyndigheden bemærker, at nogle investorer kan have frygt for at gå glip af (FOMO) given the rise in prices of some crypto assets in recent