Binance CEO siger, at han og Warren Buffett bruger lignende investeringsstrategi, men tvivler på, at Buffett har færdigheder til at holde krypto sikker

The CEO of cryptocurrency exchange Binance says that he and Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett share a similar investment strategy. Imidlertid, he said he would not convince the Oracle of Omaha to invest in cryptocurrency. “I get worried if he uses

'Bitcoin er nul værd' - kenyansk kommunikationsstrateg advarer afrikanske investorer om at være på vagt

A Kenyan communications strategist, Mwotia Ciugu, has told African investors to be wary of investing in bitcoin which he claims is worth zero. Bitcoin Structurally Incapable of Delivering on Its Promise In an op-ed published by The Elephant, Ciugu insists bitcoin