Tidligere leder af Crypto Exchange Wex udgivet i Polen

Former chief executive of the Russian cryptocurrency exchange Wex, Dmitry Vasiliev, has been released from arrest in Warsaw earlier this month. The ex-head of the now-defunct coin trading platform has since returned to Russia while court proceedings against him in Poland

Onecoin-ofre anmoder Bulgarien om beslaglæggelse af aktiver og erstatning

A lawyer representing investors defrauded by the notorious crypto scam Onecoin has urged authorities in Bulgaria to act on the case, claiming that theworlds largest pyramid schemeis still operating from the country. In a petition with the Bulgarian Constitutional

Mark Cuban investerer ikke i Bitcoin ETF, Foretrækker at købe BTC direkte

Ejeren af ​​NBA -holdet Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban, har sagt “ingen” til at investere i bitcoin-baserede børshandlede fonde (ETF'er), hvoraf den ene kunne begynde at handle i næste uge i USA. The Shark Tank star does not see a reason for

Tidligere Monero-udvikler Spagni løsladt fra amerikansk fængsel, Tilsagn om at imødegå beskyldninger om svindel

Former Monero developer Riccardo Spagni has been released from a U.S. prison where he reportedly spentsixty-one days in solitary confinement.The developers release was prompted by the failure of South African authoritiesto make a timely submission in support of

Russisk domstol bekræfter arrestordrer for 3 Finikos grundlæggere

Tatarstans highest court has rejected appeals against arrest warrants issued for three co-founders of the notorious Finiko crypto pyramid. The top representatives of the Ponzi scheme, accused of large-scale fraud in Russia, are still hiding abroad, media reports reveal. Three