Ghanas centralbank annoncerer lancering af Regulatory Sandbox

Ghana’s nyligt lancerede regulerings- og innovationssandbox er centralbankens seneste bevis’s forpligtelse til et reguleringsmiljø, der fremmer “innovation, finansiel inklusion og finansiel stabilitet,” en erklæring udgivet af Bank of Ghana har sagt. Ifølge…

Nepal forbereder sig på at udstede digital valuta, Udkast til nødvendige ændringer

En taskforce i Nepal har foreslået lovændringer, der tillader landet’s centralbank til at udstede sin egen digitale valuta. The move comes after a study indicated that such an initiative is feasible and recommended certain provisions that would authorize the

Saudi Kemikalieproducent SABIC lancerer Blockchain Pilot Project

En Saudi-Arabien-baseret kemikalieproducent har sagt, at dets nyligt lancerede blockchain-pilot forventes at afdække teknologiens muligheder “i at understøtte end-to-end digital sporbarhed af cirkulært råmateriale i kundeprodukter.” The benefits expected to accrue from using blockchain include

Russisk Blockchain Alternativ til SWIFT for at forhindre afbrydelse af nationer, Banker

Et russisk universitet er klar til at teste sin blockchain-baserede analog til det globale betalingsmeddelelsesnetværk SWIFT, som russiske banker blev afskåret fra som led i vestlige sanktioner. The developers say their system would not allow the disconnecting of countries

Colombiansk finanstilsyn forbereder normer for kryptotransaktioner

Den colombianske finanstilsyn, landets værdipapir- og finansielle vagthund, arbejder på et dokument, der skal regulere de transaktioner og operationer, der foretages ved hjælp af kryptovalutaaktiver i landet. The organization announced that it will present the document in the

Næsten 70,000 Udstedt Binance Refugee Crypto Card til ukrainere

Tusindvis af ukrainere har bestilt et kryptokort udstedt af verden’s førende digitale aktivudveksling, Binance, for sine brugere fra det krigshærgede land. The card allows people displaced by the ongoing conflict with Russia to make payments and receive financial

Indiens centralbank RBI vil vedtage en "graderet tilgang" til lancering af digital valuta

Indien’s centralbank, Indiens Reserve Bank (RBI), has proposed to adopt agraded approachto launching the country’s centralbanks digitale valuta (CBDC). The RBI also said it is exploring the pros and cons of introducing a digital rupee

Bitcoin Argentina NGO tager kryptouddannelse til skoler

Bitcoin Argentina, an NGO dedicated to the promotion and expansion of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in the country, is going to take Bitcoin education to high schools. Projektet, hedder “Schools and Bitcoin,” will help educate high school students about the relevance

HUMAN Protocol Foundation tildeler bevilling til VeritaTrust for at opbygge on-Chain belønninger for anmeldelser

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. Georgetown, Cayman Islands, Kan 10, 2022 – I dag, HUMAN Protocol has announced that it has awarded a grant to VeritaTrust to power on-chain reviews. Following the announcement of HUMAN Protocol’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta $10 Million funds dedicated to grants, this work with

Usbekistans præsident udsteder dekret om regulering af kryptovalutaer, Minedrift og handel

The government of Uzbekistan has moved to expand its crypto regulations through a decree signed by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. The document provides definitions for terms like crypto assets, exchange, and mining, and determines the main regulatory body for the industry. Agency