Kinas Digital Yuan Wallet-app nu i iOS og Android App Stores

Kina’s centralbank har frigivet sin digitale pengepung-app forud for vinter-OL. Pung-appen til den digitale yuan, også kendt som e-CNY, kan nu downloades fra iOS- og Android-appbutikkerne i landet. Digital…

Moledao lancerer banebrydende web 3.0 Hackathon på Metaverset

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. Moledao, a social platform for blockchain enthusiasts, announced today its upcoming Web 3.0 Hackathon. This pioneering global hackathon will be held in the metaverse, and take place from 15th November 2021 to 9th January 2022. Web 3.0 is the

Russisk regering sporer kryptotransaktioner med hjælp fra antinarkotikaorganisationen

Russian institutions have responded to a call from а public movement for joint efforts to identify cryptocurrency transfers related to drug trade. The anti-drug organization, Stopnarkotik, recently asked the interior ministry and the central bank to investigate alleged connections between U.S.-sanctioned

Cardanos Charles Hoskinson underskriver memorandum med Burundis regering, Aftale udspurgt

Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson recently confirmed he had signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the government of Burundi. This MOU agreement is Hoskinsons first major preliminary agreement he has secured since kickstarting Cardanos African tour in mid-October, 2021. Meetings With

FinCEN links mere end $5 Milliarder i Bitcoin-transaktioner til Ransomware

FinCEN, USA. Netværk for håndhævelse af finansiel kriminalitet, knyttet mere end $5 milliarder i bitcoin-transaktioner til de mest almindelige ransomware-varianter derude. The organization stated in a report issued last week that the mean average total monthly suspicious amount of

DRepublic lancerer kombinerbar NFT-platform, 'MetaCore' ved hjælp af EIP-3664

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. Blockchain company DRepublic has announced the launch of their innovative combinable NFT platform MetaCore, and NFT product Legoot, using the new EIP-3664 Modularity. Blockchain MMORPG gameCradles: Origin Of Speciescreators DRepublic have now developed the first-ever combinable NFT

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