USDC Stablecoin nærmer sig paritet med USD efter Feds redningsmeddelelse

The stablecoin USDC has nearly regained parity with the U.S. dollar after rising just above $0.99 marts 12, 2023, på 7:20 om eftermiddagen. østlig tid. The stablecoin jumped back to the $0.99 range after the U.S. Federal Reserve revealed it would

Investeringsfond med fokus på kryptominedrift, der skal oprettes i Rusland

The establishment of Russia’s first mutual investment fund dedicated to financing cryptocurrency mining operations is underway. According to a report by the Russian press, it will be available to qualified investors and will finance the acquisition of coin minting equipment. Russian

Kryptoudvekslinger tillader russere at omgå sanktioner, Rapporter påstande

Store kryptobørser har undladt at forhindre sanktionerede russiske banker og handlende i at handle, ifølge en blockchain retsmedicinsk rapport. Mindst to etablerede mønthandelsplatforme giver fortsat russere mulighed for at bruge deres bankkort i peer-to-peer-aftaler, analysen…

Den indiske finansminister presser på for internationalt samarbejde om kryptoregulering — diskuterer oplysningskampagne

Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has stressed the importance of international cooperation in order to regulate the crypto sector. She also confirmed that Indian regulatorscrypto awareness campaign will continue to alert people about the risks of investing in crypto. Indian

Paraguay bliver Top Bitcoin Mining Hub i Latam ifølge Insight Group

Paraguay, one of the smallest countries in Latam, has the conditions needed to become the next Bitcoin mining hub in the region, according to mining insight group Hashrate Index. The company notes there are many elements in favor of Paraguay, including

Ordinal Inscription Collections on Bitcoin Blockchain Vokser, efterhånden som skabere tjener penge på kunst

With more than 150,000 Ordinal inscriptions on the Bitcoin blockchain, there are now numerous collections as creators and artists have found a new way to monetize their artworks via blockchain technology. In the past month, people have launched collections such as

Zambia tester teknologi til regulering af kryptovaluta - Regeringsminister

The Bank of Zambia and the country’s securities regulators are currently testing the technology to regulate cryptocurrencies, a Zambian government minister has said. According to Felix Mutati, cryptocurrency is a revolutionary technology that embodies a future his country desires to achieve….

Brasiliansk regering forbereder nyt dekret for at tydeliggøre regler for kryptovaluta

The Brazilian government is preparing to release a decree to fill the blank spaces that the recent approval of the cryptocurrency law has left open. Dokumentet, prepared by the Ministry of Finance, will establish the areas of oversight and responsibilities

Bitget udvider innovationszone med prioriteret adgang til ekstraordinære projekter

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. Victoria Seychellerne, 2023 – Bitget, den førende globale kryptoderivatudveksling, annoncerer at tilføje AI (Kunstig intelligens), Afgørelse, and NFT zone listings to its Innovation Zone for users who would like to expose their crypto portfolio to related tokens

Starkware planlægger at åbne kildekode-nøgleteknologi knyttet til Starknet Prover

Ved Starkware-sessionerne 2023 begivenhed, afholdt på Cameri Theatre i Tel Aviv, Israel, Starkware-medstifter Eli Ben-Sasson informerede publikum om, at virksomheden har til hensigt at åbne kildekode “nøgleteknologi” knyttet til Starknet Prover. Under arrangementet, medstifteren…