Abkhasien forlænger forbuddet mod kryptominedrift indtil årets udgang

Authorities in Abkhazia have decided to maintain a ban on cryptocurrency mining in the territory. The partially recognized republic in the South Caucasus is restricting the energy-intensive extraction of digital currencies, citing problems with power supply. Bitcoin Mining Remains Prohibited in

Kosovo beslaglægger hundredvis af kryptominemaskiner i forbindelse med undertrykkelse

Police in Kosovo seized another batch of over 200 mining devices as part of raids that started on Thursday. The offensive against underground crypto farms was launched after authorities in Pristina banned the power-hungry minting of digital currencies amid an energy

Bank of Russia har værktøjer til at begrænse kryptoinvesteringer, guvernør tip

The Central Bank of Russia has reaffirmed its opposition to cryptocurrency investments citing the volatility of the digital assets as a key motive for its conservative stance. Governor Elvira Nabiullina has recently indicated that the regulator has the means to restrict

Storbritannien forbyder kryptoannoncer fra Papa John's Pizza, Møntbase, Etoro, Månen, Kategori

The U.K. advertising watchdog has banned several cryptocurrency ads, including those by Papa Johns Pizza, Møntbase, Kategori, Etoro, and Luno. The authority says the ads aremisleading” og “irresponsibly taking advantage of consumersinexperience.” 7 Crypto Ads Banned by UK Authority

Single Mining Farm har brug for lige så meget strøm som 24,000 Hjem, Kasakhstan skøn

Myndighederne i Kasakhstan har beregnet energiforbruget i landet’s kryptomineindustri, der konkurrerer om elektricitet med andre sektorer i økonomien og husholdninger. The government has also estimated the additional supply necessary to meet the growing demand from

Iranske lovgivere er imod kryptorestriktioner, Ring for støttebestemmelser

Members of the Iranian parliament, the Majlis, have voiced concerns over Tehrans restrictive policies towards innovations such as cryptocurrencies. Following the release of a study recommending a new approach towards the crypto industry, the lawmakers have called for the adoption of