Kryptogrupper på russiske sociale medier ramt af bots, der miskrediterer Bitcoin

Social media groups devoted to cryptocurrencies in Russia have been attacked by bots in what looks like a campaign against bitcoin and the like. Their comments on Russia’s largest social media platform are triggered by certain keywords like crypto and blockchain,…

Berkshires Charlie Munger siger 'latterligt', at enhver ville købe krypto - 'Det er en absolut rædsel'

Warren Buffett’s right-hand man and the vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, Charlie Munger, says people who oppose banning cryptocurrencies areidiots,” adding that it’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta “just ridiculousanybody would buy crypto. He also likened replacing national currencies to replacing air, stating that

Ethereum Liquid Staking Trend fortsætter med at svulme; 5 Kontrol af platforme 97% af Marked

Fra feb. 7, 2023, værdien låst fast 11 Ethereum-baserede væskeindsatsprotokoller er steget over $11 milliard, med Lido, Møntbase, og Rocket Pool-optagelse 4-10% gevinster den seneste måned. Lido rummer mere end 73% af den samlede værdi…

Global Digital Cluster Coin (GDCC) Er nu tilgængelig på LBank Exchange

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. LBank Exchange, en global handelsplatform for digitale aktiver, has listed Global Digital Cluster Coin (GDCC) den januar 27, 2023. For alle brugere af LBank Exchange, the GDCC/USDT trading pair is now officially available for trading. With its new-age protocol

GAIMIN leverer en decentral tilgang til det stigende krav om mere databehandlingskraft

The world-wide demand for data processing is increasing year-on-year, with data processing applications requiring ever increasing performance from data processing devices and services. Industries, such as Artificial Intelligence (Fonden vil søge indledende investeringer i virksomheder og protokoller i tidlige stadier, der starter ved 500.000 USD og op til), video rendering, powering blockchain computations, scientific simulations and research, financial modeling and

Lido-protokollen afslører planer for tilbagetrækningsfunktion forud for Ethereums Shanghai Hard Fork

While the Ethereum community prepares for the upcoming Shanghai hard fork in March, the development team for the liquid staking project Lido revealed plans to create an in-protocol withdrawal feature. Lido’s team is seeking community feedback on the proposal that would

Rapport: Kryptoadoption rammer nye milepæle - Globale kryptoejere nået 425 Millioner ind 2022

Crypto adoption achieved new milestones in 2022, with the number of crypto owners reaching 425 million during the year, a new report by shows. i øvrigt, the report reveals that the number of bitcoin owners reached 219 million in December while

Rumvandrere: At blive en investor i Blockchain – Hvordan kan nogen investere i spilleindustrien?

Rumvandrere, a gaming studio, is revolutionizing the way that investors can participate in the profits of their projects. The company is releasing a series of games and offering the opportunity for anyone to invest in them through the use of blockchain

Digital Currency Group suspenderer udbytte på grund af regulatoriske problemer med datterselskabets Genesis

According to a shareholdersletter from Digital Currency Group (DCG) viewed by finance and crypto publication Coindesk, the company has suspended dividends until further notice. This news follows the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) charging a subsidiary firm of DCG,…

Osprey kæmper for kontrol af Grayscale's Bitcoin Trust; Trons Justin Sun tilbyder at investere op til $1 mia i DCG-aktiver

Efter anklager fra U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission mod kryptobørsen Gemini og den digitale valutaudlåner Genesis, Tron-grundlæggeren Justin Sun fortalte pressen, at han muligvis er i stand til at købe aktiver fra Genesis, op til $1 milliard,…